Flower cloning


Active Member
I was told i have to wait if i clone a plant in flower for it to go back to vegging again, just a few questions. how long can i leave it till before its too late in the flowering phase? how long does it take for it take to change back becuase i was thinking of leaving it 2 and a half weeks in flower to start veg so then it takes 2 weeks to change back and it would fit in my 4-5week veg/9week flower rotation (i have limited space) can someone help? and also add comments i may need to know, thanks :)


Well-Known Member

  • I take my first cuttings within the first week after going into 10/14, and my last cuttings at 30 days into flower. I've taken clones at 8 weeks, takes about 3 weeks to pop roots at this late date.​



Active Member
if ur veging for 4-5 weeks there is no reason why u cant take your cuttings before they go into flower and save yourself the hassle. cloning can take between 2-4 weeks to acheive a root system, depending on method and experience. after that a clone taken after 3 weeks of flowering period can take a further 1-4 weeks to revert from flower back to veg. clones taken in the first week or 2 of flowering during the inital stretch normally root well. and revert fairly quick but then u have to factor in,the strain, pheno type and how fast they start to produce flower will all affect how long it takes to re veg. but as already said you can clone really late in flower and get it to work but it will take a long time but plants worth saving are worth saving. best way to do find out what works for you is take a couple clones just before u flower then week 1,2,3 of flower after that i wouldnt bother.:peace:


Active Member
if ur veging for 4-5 weeks there is no reason why u cant take your cuttings before they go into flower and save yourself the hassle. cloning can take between 2-4 weeks to acheive a root system, depending on method and experience. after that a clone taken after 3 weeks of flowering period can take a further 1-4 weeks to revert from flower back to veg. clones taken in the first week or 2 of flowering during the inital stretch normally root well. and revert fairly quick but then u have to factor in,the strain, pheno type and how fast they start to produce flower will all affect how long it takes to re veg. but as already said you can clone really late in flower and get it to work but it will take a long time but plants worth saving are worth saving. best way to do find out what works for you is take a couple clones just before u flower then week 1,2,3 of flower after that i wouldnt bother.:peace:
i would but the problem is height, once they get bigger than 5weeks in my tent they're too big and the light burns them


Active Member
well train them down and make better use of you space if there too big after 5 weeks veg what do you do when they flower?? and if they are that big at 5 weeks there is absolutely no reason why you shouldnt take your clones there and then. it makes life alot easier


Active Member
ill explain fully, i have 2 tents, 1 for veg 1 for flower, 9 weeks flower and about 4 weeks veg, so i want the vegging plants not to grow too big (the point of only 4-5 weeks) so after they're done vegging i can put them in flower and the flower can be harvested


Active Member
if you train your plants with lst and pinching the stem or topping fimming or use a screen in veg. then you can still acheive the same thing and keep them short fairly easy in veg and also maximise yield in flower. as to keep with a cycle have you ever cloned before do you know how long it roughly takes the strains u have to get to a rooted clone thats fit for transplant?? if your saying your rooted clones are getting too big before you want to transplant back into flower then its training techniques you need to look at!


Active Member
can you provide me with videos and or pictures would be very appreciated, and no its not the clones are getting big, its the plants in veg, they're getting to tall, once it hits flower a few weeks in they're raping my light


Active Member
use youtube and or google and here on riu there are some great threads for training techniques. research and a few grows under your belt you will figure it out.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
You can take a clone the day before you harvest if you want and it'll do just fine. If you are doing this though, it's generally a lot more productive jut to harvest all but a handful of popcorn buds, leaving on some fan leaves for those budsites, and re-vegging the plant. Crap loads of new shoots all at the same time, and it already has a large root mass :)


Well-Known Member
If you are trying to slow them down wrap the bottom inch stems of your veg clones with a damp paper towel and loose plastic wrap. They will keep in the frige for weeks. I always take extras and do this as a backup because I don't keep mothers. I have kept them stored for 4 weeks this way and they rooted just fine.

Dalek Supreme

Well-Known Member
You can take a clone the day before you harvest if you want and it'll do just fine. If you are doing this though, it's generally a lot more productive jut to harvest all but a handful of popcorn buds, leaving on some fan leaves for those budsites, and re-vegging the plant. Crap loads of new shoots all at the same time, and it already has a large root mass :)
Would you say it is more strain dependant for success,and not guaranteed to work for all strains?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
No, it does not effect potency, but it basically looks like basil for the first week after it starts growing again, and then quickly reverts back to normal cannabis. I have never found it more or les sucessful from one strain to the next just as i do not find cloning more sucessful from one to the next, it's just something cannabis can naturally do, it's no voodoo.


Well-Known Member
Good description with the basil. I've just experienced my first case of it and didn't know what was going on! I knew it wasn't genetics as they were clones. Took mine a couple of weeks to recover though.
I find cloning the one thing that is unforgiving. However, once understood and done correctly, off you go, 90% success. However, I don't have the luxury of a cloner and am still on heated propogators/root riot cubes :-(.
If yours are anything like mine, they come back bushy as hell. Mine (topped but there's no way in hell to tell at which nodes) is just an 8" ball of leaves and new branches now. I may end up having to prune whole branches off.


So its quite possible to root the stem sporting a freshly cut cola?

Has anyone ever rooted a leaf? How about a stem without any foilage?

Revegging seems like a better option as was asserted by tip top toke air...


Well-Known Member
Yes, you can clone from a cola stem. It takes longer and is harder but by no means impossible.

Leaves are another thing. In the way you mean, no. There is no new growth point to continue the plant growing. There is something called leaf tissue culture but that's a whole new area and not something you want to get into at this stage (or probably any stage for our uses).

Is re-vegging a better option? Try it and see if it works for you and your situation. It's all experience.