Flower 12/12 Question??? Pro's ONLY!!! PLEASE!!


Active Member
Hi My babies are 3ft tall and ginormous:weed:.. Its been 4 or 5 weeks of veg and tried to do a 24hr off after 24 on for 5 weeks now we r at 12/12 no preflower or buds 2-3 weeks like this what do i do??? should i keep flower 12/12 or do another 24 off then go back to flower 12/12???? my only qualm is that at this rate i will be out of room in my area if they dont flower soon!!! Oh and by the way these babies r pure LED Light... Pro Source World Wide knows what they r doin!! sorry no pics i dont believe in posting pics.... security reasons....


u sure u got complete darkness in the dark period, without any light leakage?
that could be something that would prolong the switch to flowering


Active Member
im no pro but you dont have to be a pro to answer this ;-). either leave on 12/12 or set them to 18/6 for a bit then back to 12/12. but i would just leave them on 12/12 and start LST'ing or put a screen up and start weaving them around. win win situation. also you being on this site is a greater is an equal risk to posting pics.


Active Member
hey ghostrider mind your own..... also i need 1 awnser if u dont have it dont post i dont need a bunch of method bashers on my post i need help... thanks ahead.....

d.c. beard

Well-Known Member
Make sure you're feeding with flower nutes not veg, and check for light leaks as the others have said. You might want to look at getting away from that LED if your plants are 3ft tall after only 4-5 weeks of veg...sounds like a lot of stretching going on. Maybe that LED light isn't strong enough to pull the short and curly's out of em.