Flowamasta's Grow No.3 indica clone-harvest grow Journal! 1 PLANT!!! 600wattHPS


Well-Known Member
I am sub'd. I am trying out the Hempy's for the first time and doing an comparison with DIY airpot so its going to be interesting to see which one would perform the best.


Well-Known Member
I'm gonna sub this, ok flowmasta? I promise I'll behave myself. :-)
I like your girls... human and cannabis.
Also want to see how you top your plants (after seeing your discussion about it on Lordjin's thread).


Well-Known Member
I'm gonna sub this, ok flowmasta? I promise I'll behave myself. :-)
I like your girls... human and cannabis.
Also want to see how you top your plants (after seeing your discussion about it on Lordjin's thread).
sik to hear man!! aren't erb smokers just the nicest people! now a drunk would be like yeah man tell her to bend over and shit!,

i have no influence on what she wishes to do with her delicious vessel! i'm sure there will be more to come, the more people sub up, the more we can help each other grow, and have more things to fill our stoned time with ;)


Well-Known Member
Day 11 Vegging Beautifully!!!

more than triple her size in 11 days!! unbelievable, ph is stable at 5.88 new growth is growing very rapidly, turning into a real thick little bush! no nute burn with new growth atall, she is handling 3/4 strength nutes fine, leaves are perky and they stink when you rub them



Well-Known Member
i think the surprise is better!! what we dont know is coming, thats more exciting don't you think???

i mean, we never really know what our erbs gonna look like till the very end........

growing fast peoples


Well-Known Member
What strain of indica are you growin there, bud? Sorry, I joined the thread late, so maybe I missed it.

Like you, I don't drink at all either. I used to love beer in the past, though. There was a time when I was younger when I'd come home from work in the middle of the night and drink a big bottle of Tooth's Sheaf Stout (from Australia) and would watch an Australian football game. I think that Carlton was the best team back then (in the late 80's). Crazy, violent game! Great fun to watch when you're buzzed.


Well-Known Member
What strain of indica are you growin there, bud? Sorry, I joined the thread late, so maybe I missed it.

Like you, I don't drink at all either. I used to love beer in the past, though. There was a time when I was younger when I'd come home from work in the middle of the night and drink a big bottle of Tooth's Sheaf Stout (from Australia) and would watch an Australian football game. I think that Carlton was the best team back then (in the late 80's). Crazy, violent game! Great fun to watch when you're buzzed.
i'm not sure what strain, its anyones guess, if you check my outdoor thread you might get an idea, as they are all the same cuts, and my outdoorys all flower straight away pretty much as i force flower so i can grow all year round. sorry man, not into footy, or any sport like that, just women and bud, and whatnot....

I will post new pics tonight, can't wait to see her!


Well-Known Member
here she is :)
sorry bout pic quality damn camera went flat so here's the camera phone
she is in perfect health and getting ready for 2nd week flush tomorrow, .....week 3 i'm gonna beanstalk her!!! shes goin to the sun!!!



Well-Known Member
i'm not sure what strain, its anyones guess, if you check my outdoor thread you might get an idea, as they are all the same cuts, and my outdoorys all flower straight away pretty much as i force flower so i can grow all year round. sorry man, not into footy, or any sport like that, just women and bud, and whatnot....

I will post new pics tonight, can't wait to see her!
Whatever strain it is, it looks great. Love your always positive attitude, flowamasta!


Well-Known Member
Whatever strain it is, it looks great. Love your always positive attitude, flowamasta!
thanx mate! i hope my positive attitude rubs off somewhat, makes a difference!

yeah it would be nice to give a name for this strain, considering my last 2 grows were completely different in size and characteristics, it could be anyones guess, just bout to give her a flush, and set up XL GROW for the first time (super phosphoric acid) see what that does, post pics tonight, hope to god i don't fuck it up ;)

go through my checklist, should be right, nice to have you roll on in here Dave, thanx again

i'll try my best not to dissapoint!!


Well-Known Member
I been here the whole time. Just thought I'd say hello. Keep up the good work!
glad to hear :dunce: join the party ehem...

day 15 !! first day on cyco XL, and going full strength additives, and instead of 120ml of grow a+b (for a 40 litre res) i gave her 100ml of each, see how she handle that for a couple of days, and if she's still perky and no burn, i'll put the extra 20ml in, but for now!! she's looking beautiful, i opened the tent, and i swear she looks a different colour, checked the ph again, she only rose to 6.05(PH) at 4pm today so cpl of drops of down, and she's good to go, i was a little worried, that XL being 40% super phosphoric acid, sounded dangerous!!, i did some research, all good, very similar to rock super grow, however i believe CYCO add Nitrogen as buffer. well, heres some pics... considering our hot days, 31 degrees seems ok to me,..no cooltube, just 600 HPS and flexi shad



Well-Known Member
Yeah man she looks way greener I tthink could be my imagination though.

I doubt the nitrogen is a buffer. N is the hottest element and is usually responsible for burn but whatever there doing its working cause she looks prime