Florescent Auto Grow


Active Member
whatsup, these two autos are about 3 or 4 weeks old and they are now under 18/6.
the taller one is auto bomb, and the other one is a pakistan ryder.

the lights are 6 40w florescent bulbs on top, 2 25w cfls on the sides and one 60w cfl in the middle. is this enough light for flowering?


Well-Known Member
is that actual 40w ..... or equv incandecent? and ahhhhh i see they are tubes now what color spectrum are they?


Active Member
there cool white. and its actual wattage. the auto bomb looks pretty stretched, but i dont know why. the paki ryder looks fine.


Well-Known Member
cool white ...ermmm don't suppose you know if they are 6400k 6500k ... or 2700k? (or other).... i know its a pain... but its important to have the right colour spectrum for veg and flower you need 6400/6500k for veg ... and 2700-3000k for flower


Well-Known Member
yeah i thought the Auto Bomb looked super lanky, but i don't know what all the auto's look like.. it could be fine ... but i'm pretty much a newb myself, so i can only help you to the best of my ability ...and that starts with pointing you to this thread (https://www.rollitup.org/cfl-fluorescent-lighting/107992-tutorial-growing-cfls.html ) its not large .... but it does have all the information you need, and isnt hard to understand

i'm doing autos ... with cfl.... and enjoying it


Active Member
it says 3150 lumens for each of the bulbs. do you think thats alright for flowering?
thanks for the info


Active Member
Hey nice grow you got going on right now, and i do agree it is stretching abit but its still growing nice and strong. Keep it nice and heatly and it will rewards you, also you show flower with hps grow light. they are great for flowering.


Active Member
thanks. i have a 250w hps bulb, i just need to get a hood for it. pretty low on money so im not sure if i will be able to use it this grow, so if not are the florescents good enough?


if your using CFLs, its more about the color spectrum (k) than lumens, yes lumens are important but you'll need 5k-6500 kelvin (k) for veg (early summer) and then more around 2500k for bud (late summer) i have simple t5 4' fixtures over 18 starts, and two 100w 5000 k cfl bulbs....lush green new growth....


Well-Known Member
my advise .... find some fans and power up that HPS lamp.... you can keep it cool without a hood as you dont need to have it as close to your plants as you do with cfl.... see if you can control temps simply by shifting more hot air from your growspace, oh and your gonna need to cover that window for flowering (you need it total darkness for lights off)


Active Member
yeah well i need the fixture for the hps also. and the lights turn off from 7pm to 2am so i dont have to worry about the window because its dark.
im lookin for something i can transform into a growbox for the auto bomb because its outgrowing the pakistan. i will have 5 more autos in this setup soon, so i dont want to raise the light. any suggestions?


Active Member
so i moved the auto bomb in my closet under a 125w cfl, and the pakistan ryder is in a mini fridge i converted into a mini grow room. ill post pics of that tomorrow, heres the Abomb..

ill keep it under this light it should be good enough. there are lot of bottom branches growing nicely..

and here's the top, soon to be a cola..



Active Member
here's the pakistan ryder in the mini fridge, under a 105w cfl..

i dont see how the auto bomb got so much bigger, they have been under the same lights except for like a week before moving them in the barn the auto bomb had the slightly higher wattage cfl.



Well-Known Member
dunno .... that auto-bomb looks like a giraffe LOL .... have you searched other grows of that strain to see if its normal?


Well-Known Member
Dude anyone that will tell you spectrum is more important than lumesn needs to read up.. You are doing great but I would get the lights a little closer.


Well-Known Member
i've just checked google.... seems to be quite tall and stalky... seedbanks say upto 85mm.... thats nearly a meter and quite tall for an auto, says its crossed with haze, they seem quite lanky anyways ... i wouldnt worry too much