Flip Flopney


Well-Known Member
How cute! The "Yee-Haw I'm Gonna be President dance."

Romney has been recorded as saying to donors that Pennsylvania is not going to be won.. Later he claims he will win Pennsylvania.
Sure he could be hopeful and encouraging voters but given his track record on flip flopping we need to read Romney the "Yes and No at the same time guy" as untrustable.

We cannot believe what he says.


Well-Known Member
Barry could solve all the problems in the world, if only the republicans would stop screaming NNNnnOoOOOoooOoOOOoOO!

his first two years with control of the house and senate firmly in the hands of the democrats was also controlled by the republican minority's magical power to prevent his every brilliant plan. thats how they shut down obamacare, and fiorced through all these terrible federal budgets that have crippled the Obamaconomy and forced us back into the dark days of bushism. the republicans also forced him to keep guantanamo open, and continue waterboarding, despite how much he hates torture.

republicans are all evil sorcerers with fearsome powers gained through traffick with demons.
Check the timeline for those 2 years



Well-Known Member
That was a silly video.
If democrats dont show up to vote, or vote against the beloved leader, thats their problem.


Well-Known Member
That was a silly video.
If democrats dont show up to vote, or vote against the beloved leader, thats their problem.
Not being there due to republicans contesting and having to wait to be sworn in along side the death of one of them is hardly something they could have pulled their socks up to vote now is it?