Flies ruining plants?


Active Member
Does anyone know what these are and how to get rid of them?

They are in the box I have set up for my clones. Haven’t made it into my flowering tent, only a few feet away though.
56704021-F283-4B70-B259-26837DD85B93.jpeg DFBA4BE5-145B-4C32-B05D-0CE7B126338E.jpeg 7DB8FA74-72F6-443D-A0CF-3D9C9D22EF1A.jpeg image.jpg image.jpg

Thanks for the help. I was thinking about using neem(more than I already have been). It’s an organic grow, also.


Well-Known Member
Looks to be fungus knats. I've been battling those on my outdoor. Neem oil is what I use and it seems to be working.


Well-Known Member
Sticky yellow traps are a must to keep numbers down. Azamax is a good product to have in your arsenal


Well-Known Member
Might be worth checking your roots. I haven't had root aphids before, definitely fungus gnats, but those don't look like fungus gnats to me.

Search "Root Aphids" see if the adult flyers resemble what you're seeing.

Edit: Apologies I couldn't get a link to work. Greengeenes on youtube has a good video on them. If you search Root Aphids on youtube, it should be one of the first to show.
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Well-Known Member
Fungus gnats don't do anything to the leaves so either you have another critter involved or low Ca.

Sticky traps to get the adults and diatomaceous earth on top of the soil to get the emerging pupa and prevent adults from laying eggs in the pots.

Get any bags of soil out of the area too as most likely they will have them and are likely the source.

They'll lay eggs in the drain holes on the pots too.

