Flea treatment for root aphids?


Well-Known Member
sounds horrible.you want your plants to uptake that after its watered in?heres a suggestion,i have no idea if it will work for you.after top dressing with ewc one time(outdoor grow) i noticed some tiny bugs in the soil.i kept an eye on them and they didnt seem to be bothering the plant itself,not sure about the roots.anyways,a few days after the ewc topdressing i top dressed with some insect frass.those tiny bugs split after that.i didnt do it purposedly and i really cant tell you it will work for you,id try it before lacing my plants with chems.gl


Well-Known Member
the reason is that it harms bees

oh, then why not
but know what you're doing, why you're doing it, and the risks involved. show a pic of your root aphids?
The World Health Organization (WHO) refers to Imidacloprid as a moderately hazardous insecticide
The signs and symptoms from Imidacloprid poisoning are similar to nicotinic poisoning, which include fatigue, cramps, muscle weakness, and twitching.


Well-Known Member
imagine this broad insecticide killing EVERY beneficial organism in your container, not just the supposed aphids. what will that leave you with except dead soil ripe for the issues, non functioning with no soil web for the plant to rely on. sound like a good choice?


after so many years before we finally get to grow this weed largely....and this is the reason this will be taken away, you'll see.
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Well-Known Member
Be absolutely certain you've identified the RAs and not mistaken them for fungus gnats or predatory mites.
This is a long thread but chock full of valuable info

The flea treatment? No way can that be a safe approach. Nix that idea and try to order something like Merit or Bayer if possible. This is only if you feel you must declare an all out nuclear war, after you've exhausted all other options.

Folks here have used Bayer Tree and Shrub. It has a lower concentration of imid so be certain to calculate your values to get your exact dosage.
And proceed with extreme caution. This is a powerful systemic and shouldn't be used past early veg...never in flower.

Or you could try OGBiowar (caps bennes=much safer organic option but still harmful to bees) but I can't say for certain if it works... though the pics are impressive. I find it oddly satisfying seeing those little bastards mummified.

From what I understand, RAs are an absolute nightmare to deal with.
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