Flavor Your Nuggs - Tasty Puff Flavor Drops


New Member
I like the Vanilla and use it on the 2nd bowl from the Volcano Vaporizer (gets rid of that harshness near the end of the bowl). I had Pinapple flavor and it was really just too much, so I gave it to a co-worker. I think it would be cheaper to just use straight vanilla instead of this mixture when I run out.


Well-Known Member
he posted up some useful information for those who are growing commercially and would like to make their bud smell THAT much more appealing. I agree that if you grow some dank ass bud then it would be stupid to mask its natural exquisite smell. But if you're growing lbs's with minimal care and attention and would like to squeeze that much more out of your op to make a little more, then this is for you (Bag appeal) . If you are a connoisseur then by all means enjoy your smoke.

Stop hating.


Active Member
While everyone likes or dislikes them. I personally just use them on schwag or mids to give them an extra zing.

One spray or a few drops and it was like smoking a flavored blunt wrap.

I used to buy them from the tasty puff site, but they make me buy them for 6 for $25 I think.

I found that they were cheaper and I could buy them in single bottles of drops or sprays, at a place called Kublnick's.


They have about 2 dozen choices of drops and I think 6 of the sprays.

I think the hardest thing is finding one you like. I had a few that were freaking nasty, I also found a few like the watermelon and the ghetto grape, that I just loved.

The bong thing is a great idea, I shouldve thought about that one.

Happy Tokin' Everyone! :weed:


Well-Known Member
I just dont understand why anyone that has made it to this site would want that or would need to smoke schwaggle puff anymore,,, you dont need much to grow the best weed ever,,,, then there is no turning back,,,, EVER...... AND THAT,,,, IS,,, THE REST OF THE STORY................

Freddie Roach

Active Member
You say that smoking the stuff is not good, what about (for those of you that use paper roaches) putting a couple of drops on the roach and bit of rizzla that wont get burned cause its on the roach? Would that work at all?


Active Member
Okay so i grew a plant at a buddys house.. anyways it had some problems and wasnt flushed properly.. need maybe a good two or three more days of flushing.. So now i have a bud that has been properly dried and cured for about three weeks(looks amazingly beautiful) but doesnt taste good(taste like grass) but smells like SKUNK..I recently moved my Mason Jar to the fridge and have notice a pronounced increase of DANKNESS...It is tasting beter then when it was dryed but i have to believe that smoke that was flushed properly and dried right would still taste good without a cure.... should i keep waiting out this smoke, or is it pointless and should i go with a hard flavoring agent, like the drops from the smoke shop..Its only like 8g so no biggy, but i want to smoke it so bad..

It was only given water and molasis last 4 weeks plus one feeding of nutz which is what i think screwed up the taste.




Well-Known Member
Okay so i grew a plant at a buddys house.. anyways it had some problems and wasnt flushed properly.. need maybe a good two or three more days of flushing.. So now i have a bud that has been properly dried and cured for about three weeks(looks amazingly beautiful) but doesnt taste good(taste like grass) but smells like SKUNK..I recently moved my Mason Jar to the fridge and have notice a pronounced increase of DANKNESS...It is tasting beter then when it was dryed but i have to believe that smoke that was flushed properly and dried right would still taste good without a cure.... should i keep waiting out this smoke, or is it pointless and should i go with a hard flavoring agent, like the drops from the smoke shop..Its only like 8g so no biggy, but i want to smoke it so bad..

It was only given water and molasis last 4 weeks plus one feeding of nutz which is what i think screwed up the taste.


wait it out.

Good things come to those with patience.
Personally I find 2 months is the magic number for curing, but your mileage may vary.

Good luck.


Active Member
wait it out.

Good things come to those with patience.
Personally I find 2 months is the magic number for curing, but your mileage may vary.

Good luck.

thx for the quick reply.. i was almost out the door to get some dropps i remember using them years ago smoking swag in high school i didnt really like it then.. but lol im desperate for this bud to be good.. it looks so goooood and is my first grow. but i will wait it out..:blsmoke:


New Member
he posted up some useful information for those who are growing commercially and would like to make their bud smell THAT much more appealing. I agree that if you grow some dank ass bud then it would be stupid to mask its natural exquisite smell. But if you're growing lbs's with minimal care and attention and would like to squeeze that much more out of your op to make a little more, then this is for you (Bag appeal) . If you are a connoisseur then by all means enjoy your smoke.

Stop hating.
i have a few thousand pounds that has almost no smell and i need to give it some bag appeal.what would you suggest we use?any info would be awsome


Well-Known Member
i have a few thousand pounds that has almost no smell and i need to give it some bag appeal.what would you suggest we use?any info would be awsome
A big green curing cabinet. The waste transfer station will rent you one and take the herb off your hands for market value. Bunch of nut cases smoking aromas pretending they are flavors.. My God people, just learn to fucking grow.

T macc

Well-Known Member
Maybe Tasty Puff is the prototype to nicotine vaping. And they were trying to market the poison to tokers.

But it failed and the flavors got better, now everyone is smoking nicotine flavors/tasty puff/ poison


Well-Known Member
Beer should taste like beer & weed should taste like weed,to hell with blunts,falvored weed,fruit flavored beer ect.

Whats next ,chicken flavored corn flakes .
LoL. Agree.
Right after we got married, wifey came home with some champagne scented douche.

I told her to take it back. If I want champagne I will buy a bottle of champagne.
Leave everything else tasting and smelling just exactly the way it should.