Fisrt time legal medical grow Dual 600w WW Trinity Mystery seed

MT Marijuana

Active Member
Update for this week. The Trinity is on her 22nd day of flower and starting to cover her leaves with crystals!! -a welcome sight :) - I am just hoping that the buds start swelling soon! patience... The WW1 has been in the flower room for almost a week and starting to bud, slowly. The other WW I am thinking i want to try a scrog. so i'm thinking building a small screen that can be attached to my pot, that way I can move the plant around, only scrog one plant, and can reuse the screen on other pots. I think it's worth a shot, the WW2 seems fairly dainty so it seems a good plant to try it out on. The TW is growing fine. 2-3 weeks and in the flower room she goes. The tomatoes are killin it. The bigger one was in the veg room the whole time while the smaller sat under the HPS for a week or so. tons of flower to pollinate and tons of tomatoes popping out and growing big, fast!
Finally my bagseed showing some sex, possibly. Got a good pic and i know that it's not girl parts, but not sure if they ARE boy parts. Help?? Either way i will keep it and find out soon enough. if it's a boy i want to get a few seeds. I really want to see that stain bud!!

Thanks all and have a great week
#1 WW2
#2 TrainWreck
#3 Tomato, Bigger
#4 Tomato, Smaller
#5 Trinity
#6 Trinity
#7 Trinity
#8 WW1
#9 Male Flower??
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MT Marijuana

Active Member
I got some nice Lavender meds in and went to town on the single scrog unit for the WW. It turned out pretty cool and I think it's about the right size. I am putting that WW in the flower room in just a few more days. Any advise from exp. scroggers would be awesome. not too sure of the ins and outs of it yet... just let it grow? keep moving them as they grow taller? show i let it bulk up maybe a little longer before I move her to the flower room??
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The tomatoes are doing great! they are getting so big every day!
re-canned the big oune finally and was suprised that it was not very root bound. same with the Train-wreck which i was hoping for the worst and the TW was not rootbound at all. The TW is super skunky and it's not even budding or very big yet :)

The Trinity is doing good.
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Some of the lower fan leaves are getting a lil crispy and looking like this
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Any ideas? what about the white dots?? i have no idea about that but i'm thinking mg lock and maybe give her some epsom next h20.

The WW is Ten day into the flower room and is starting to get HAIRy :) way more so than the Trin was at ten :) she is looking very happy to me
Thanks all any any advise is greatly appreciated.

MT Marijuana

Active Member
I got some good pics today after messing with my camera for a while. The Trinity is at 26 days
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The 13 day old WW is looking very happy. buds buds buds
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The WW seems to like the new scrog unit I put on. I hope it works out like I see pictures of ;-)
The Flower room, soon to be expanded. I just need $ for a new HPS bulb. I'm going to go with SunPulse 3K. If anyone has any Experience with sunPulse bulbs run off Lumateks Please let me know. I'm especially curious of their 10K bulb kiss-ass
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The TrainWreck is coming alone nicely. a couple more weeks or so and into the flower room. Super Skunky smelling! She just got watered so she is a lil droopy
The tomatos are great. there are soo many lil tomatos now as well as the two big ones. I also am starting a new tomatoe variety. BrandyWine. They take 90-120 days to harvest and are apparently delicous :lol:


Sweet looking grow. That sure looks like balls hanging on that mystery weed. Watch them closely, meaning get them out soon before they get lucky. heheheh. Have you noticed the cloned plants grow much faster than the seed plants? I really wish I would have invested in clones this time around... all seed grow for me this round. Got 12 in veg now. looks like 5-7 maybe female. Hoping and praying anyways. can't wait to take clones.

From what I read stay with the HPS for quantity/quality reasons over the SP 3k.

Good luck and Happy Trails. subd.

MT Marijuana

Active Member
From what I've noticed it's easier to get a shorter/bushier plant from the clones. If i was outdoor I would go seed all the way! the seed has more growth potential it seemed. I will still be doing more from seed but knowing the sex has a couple week advantage it seems. Shooot. that seems to oppose other info i've heard on the SP. hopefully more people will stop by with a user report :)
Do you have a journal up freeroll?
So I thought they were balls too! I chopped off most the branches so it would be easier to keep an eye on and be able to collect the pollen without seeding my whole crop. I left nearly all the fan leaves on except some of the cool ones to press. a couple days later, on the top two nodes I see lil pistils pointing out. so now the top has got fem parts all over and I can't say for sure if those lower parts are male or what yet. If they are male i'm gonna kill it cause I don't really want a herm in the garden although it would be easy to keep an eye on. If it doesn't show any male parts i was going to keep it for the hell of it. I'm not sure if it can even grow healthy from here on out with just some fan leaves and 4 tops. 8 days in the flower room and no buds yet. Also, a male does not have to be in a flower cycle (12-12) to produce pollen sacks does it?


I have not started a journal and probably won't until I really know what I'm doing. NUG porn is a beautiful thing though. As far as the 12/12 to show sex I don't know positively but it sure would seem to be for both sexes to show and continue on with the species it would have to.

I will stay with seed to minimize introducing disease and insects to my grow. I want to get a few (2-3) good mother strains going and propagate off them to perpetuate my garden. This site is good reading material. Has good stuff on seed production/genetics etc... think you'll like it.

MT Marijuana

Active Member
My room was getting a little crowded so i figured it was time to move things around a little bit and build a veg cab.
Now I have both 600's above the flowering girls
I have access to both ends of the room which is VERY convenient :-P
The Wanna-G has developed four nice tops but it's showing me mixed signs possibly. take a look and see what you think, one pic is of fem. flowers while i'm not sure of the other.
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MT Marijuana

Active Member
The Trin is great. The buds are still growing taller, the colas have filled in and are starting to fatten up! They are very dense as well so I'm pretty happy so far.
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The WW is budding like crazy, a lil fluffier but it's nice instant gratification because of the growth rate. starting to proguce crystals
The WW scrog is coming along well too, starting to fill the screen in nice and will soon be showing buds.

MT Marijuana

Active Member
so i was on the pot this morning and there was some random ladybug on the floor! I sure hope I didn't bring any other bugs back from the grow shop!!

anyways just a small update. the TW in it's new "Nighttime home" and a lil morning porn lol

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Active Member
that tw is going to grow like crazy when you put her in the other room. most likely will tripple or more. mine are huge.

MT Marijuana

Active Member
Tonight is her first night of 12-12. The bagseed is 16 days today and just showing buds... super tight compact buds and no hairs yet... super slow.

MT Marijuana

Active Member
Added some CO2 to the mix. I think the plants like it, esp at night with the fans off. that bag sits right above them and drops the CO2 right on them :) The TW got topped pretty good before flower and is really bushing up. One more week and I get my new HPS lamp to replace the MH. and also called my caregiver today and he said that their Trinity cutting made the drive up from Cali so that's pretty cool, seems kinda rare and I hear it's DANK!


Well-Known Member
Added some CO2 to the mix. I think the plants like it, esp at night with the fans off. that bag sits right above them and drops the CO2 right on them :) The TW got topped pretty good before flower and is really bushing up. One more week and I get my new HPS lamp to replace the MH. and also called my caregiver today and he said that their Trinity cutting made the drive up from Cali so that's pretty cool, seems kinda rare and I hear it's DANK!
plants dont use Co2 @ night
But works in the day time


Active Member
i didn't want to be the one to break him the news. still better then nothing. and your venting is sealed anyway right rambo?

MT Marijuana

Active Member
My room is totally sealed as well as having seperate sealed light cooling systems. so no matter when they use it, it's in there. :) thanks for the comment?

MT Marijuana

Active Member
Hola folks! Say hi to the Girls!! IMG_1144.jpg The room has been getting moved around and I think it's pretty close to where I will leave it. have a lot more room, moved a HUGE tomato plant out, moved the ducting to hug the walls, ect.
The Trinity is at 42 days today and her hairs are starting to turn orange by the day. I Will start flushing in a week or so... it's getting exciting. She is really phatening up now :) All her limbs are starting to sag pretty good now. I took a cutting to try to save my trinity strain and kinda broke a lil branch so i trimmed her up and is drying for a sample. We will also see how that cutting goes.
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The wanna-G HE is turning out to be a very beautiful wanna-G SHE. She smells lemony and her fan leaves are covered in lil crystals!!
The WW 1 is 29 days and coming on strong! they like that whole, not getting nute burned thing!!
Also the WW 2 scrog at 18 days is looking pretty happy and I think will produce a nice amount of top buds and I won't have to worry about it falling over and getting droopy... we will see how I like it in a few weeks