First try, Oregon


Getting close, problem is it's 30 degrees outside right now and frosty, she's covered with plastic with a couple gallon jugs of hot water to keep her warm I hope. Supposed to have a couple more really cold nites but high 60's to 70+ during the day. Used miracle grow 30-10-10 for vegetative and 8-15-10 for budding, just stopped fertilizing a couple days ago. Heard about mollasses on this site might try that the last couple weeks any advice???



Well-Known Member
Getting close, problem is it's 30 degrees outside right now and frosty, she's covered with plastic with a couple gallon jugs of hot water to keep her warm I hope. Supposed to have a couple more really cold nites but high 60's to 70+ during the day. Used miracle grow 30-10-10 for vegetative and 8-15-10 for budding, just stopped fertilizing a couple days ago. Heard about mollasses on this site might try that the last couple weeks any advice???
I'm in Southern Oregon (33° tonight) and use molasses (one tablespoon/gallon water) up until about three weeks before maturity. Plant looks good but you have a ways to go. What do the trichs look like?


where do you get an eyepiece to see them better, is there a reason your ready to harvest and I'm not, is it just the strain


New Member
Yed every strain and plant for that matter will have its own time to mature. Check out radioshack they sale a 60-100x microscope for like 12 bucks or a jewelers loupe. They look good I would reccommend heated rocks rather than hot water seems like hot water jugs wrapped in plastic could cause high humidity which could end up causing mold. Other than its lookin great welcome to riu!


Well-Known Member
where do you get an eyepiece to see them better, is there a reason your ready to harvest and I'm not, is it just the strain
Here's one on eBay for $8:

I have a 60-100X pocket microscope ($12) but find the loupe much easier and faster to focus.

I grow a local indica strain that's been around for a long time. They're always done by the second week in October. Each plant does vary, sometimes by a few days.


Thanks M , I borrowed a pocketscope from a trustworthy friend, It's what doctors use to look in your ears, I can actually see the trichs now. The ones on the very top leaves of the top buds are maybe 10% amber, the pistols are white other than a few on the top. We have some warm weather coming up, I'll probably try a light mol;asses treatment my next water, then see where there at before the next rain. Don't want to harvest after they've been rained on right???


Well-Known Member
Thanks M , I borrowed a pocketscope from a trustworthy friend, It's what doctors use to look in your ears, I can actually see the trichs now. The ones on the very top leaves of the top buds are maybe 10% amber, the pistols are white other than a few on the top. We have some warm weather coming up, I'll probably try a light mol;asses treatment my next water, then see where there at before the next rain. Don't want to harvest after they've been rained on right???
Good move. I know a couple of old growers who can determine maturity from pistils and color but even they've gone to checking trichs with a magnifying glass just to be sure.

If they're ready I don't care if they've been rained on. I have a couple of powerful fans that can dry them in minutes.


Hey M, everyones opinion seems to be different, with the Molasses do you quit using it weeks before you harvest or can you use it right up to the last watering, I feel like I should be paying you for all the advice, also how long before you harvest do you quit watering all together??


M, do you have any pics posted, maybe I should check them out before I take your advice too seriously, Just kidding, nice to have someone from the same area for advice.


Well-Known Member
Hey M, everyones opinion seems to be different, with the Molasses do you quit using it weeks before you harvest or can you use it right up to the last watering, I feel like I should be paying you for all the advice, also how long before you harvest do you quit watering all together??
I stop the molasses about three weeks before harvest. If there's no rain, I water with the irrigation system (1.75 gallons/plant per watering) right up to harvest, about every three days this time of year. I also use a hydrometer with an 8" probe before I water.

I've had a lot of help over many years, most of it from other growers and a certified master gardener. I still think the biggest problem most new growers face is getting hooked on consumer products that are not a substitute for proper soil preparation and a waste of money. I use a limited amount of highly diluted fish emulsion maybe three times during veg and molasses once a week during flowering. Everything is organic.



You said earlier you grow the same strain every year, do you clone and keep them indoors? The plant I have I bought the clone for $20, looks like I'll recover my money, plan on giving a lot of it away to friends, not really in it for the money. Nice picture by the way. I'd like to go all organic next year, used some store bought fert. this year, might have used too much during budding, I hope two to three weeks will be enough time to flush it out.


Well-Known Member
You said earlier you grow the same strain every year, do you clone and keep them indoors? The plant I have I bought the clone for $20, looks like I'll recover my money, plan on giving a lot of it away to friends, not really in it for the money. Nice picture by the way. I'd like to go all organic next year, used some store bought fert. this year, might have used too much during budding, I hope two to three weeks will be enough time to flush it out.
Somebody in my circle always grows a seed crop, including me (lost it this year, all six were female I had to give away to stay legal), so I've been fortunate in that respect. A lot of growers around here are going to clones but I don't want that hassle.

I'm seriously considering feminized seeds next year to further simplify the process. Wheeling 24 3.5 gallon pots in and out of the lighting area outside to harden them during spring is a chore I wouldn't mind cutting in half.