First try at hempy buckets; 1 ww x bb and 1 bubblegummer


New Member
First off some background info:

Strains: female seeds WW x BB and Bubblegummer

Grow method: Hempy Bucket

Grow medium: 100% perlite

Lighting: started seedlings under cfl then 150w hps until 2nd set of true leaves, then under the 400w hps at a distance until they adjusted.

Growing inside a Mylar reflective tent 4x2x5(LxWxH)

Ventilation is 2 exhaust fans up top that I believe are rated 160 cfm , with flaps open at bottom to creat negative pressure. Also have oscillating fan inside to keep airflow moving around the canopy.

Temps inside range from 73*-80* and RH stays between 30-40%

The WW x BB is about 5 weeks ahead of the bubblegummer and quite bushy, where as the bubblegummer is only in its 3rd set of true leaves and really worrying me, the first set of true leaves has already yellowed/browned and become dry and crisp. While the WW x BB seems to be doing ok except the top new growth is beginning to look thin and spindly, almost as if the leaves are wrapping themselves up.

Ill get pics up as soon as I can figure out how, but really wanted to hear some advice or opinions from growers with experience in the hempy method. I'm not expecting perfection or 1 lb yields first time around and understand there's a learning curve to it all until you get your strains/setup and all other environmental factors dialed it. But any info at all would be greatly appreciated! After all we are all hear to learn from one another and to continue to improve upon what we know today.

Thnx in advance! Dr. B


New Member
50+ views and no input? C'mon brethren I know some of you more experienced guys have some valuable knowledge to offer. :bigjoint:


Active Member
Well pics will help, you're right. There is a little photo of a tree in the reply toolbar next to a reel of film. Press that button and either upload from PC or upload from a photo sharing site. If you upload from photo sharing site make sure you copy the IMG link of the photo you want to use and paste that link as the HTML link will not work.


New Member
image.jpgimage.jpg, side pic of the ww x bb, and the young bubblegummer I've bee so concerned with. Both plants are in same tent and medium, only difference is i havent given the bubblegummer any nutes yet. possible transplant soon.Any input appreciated bros, B.


New Member
Quick update, really need some help with this one. My ww x bb's leaves have started ridiculously drooping and it's just started doing it over the past 2 days. Any ideas or info is more than appreciated. image.jpg


Active Member
RH is too low to sustain vigorous vegetative growth, causing moisture stress and root tip calcification, leading to stunted, overly stacked growth. If left unchecked it will get worse. Loads of new growers have this issue in the winter
.View attachment 2967814

solution is to buy a humidifier or two. like a big recirculating evaporative for your lung room ~80$ on amazon, and a cool mist or two for your growth chamber, ~40$ on amazon.


Active Member
im starting my next grow with the same tent size and light wattages and im growing hempy too,what kind of light hood do you have because i have a 400 watt hps air cooled hood and was wondering can it fit in the tent with 2 5 gallon buckets? and im also using 100% perlite too


Well-Known Member
View attachment 2966960View attachment 2966961, side pic of the ww x bb, and the young bubblegummer I've bee so concerned with. Both plants are in same tent and medium, only difference is i havent given the bubblegummer any nutes yet. possible transplant soon.Any input appreciated bros, B.
I've always heard for hempy you ALWAYS start of with nutes, at least 1/4. Where else do you expect them to get nutrients in perlite? also, if your roots haven't hit the reservoir yet you must keep on watering frequently until that happens, with nutes each time.