First true leaves starting to get lighter colored, time to start feeding?


Active Member
I just went to take a newer pic and it keeps going. I'm not sure what it's all about.
I don't mind this plant being a fucking mess even though I'm still a bit sad about it... It's my first grow after all.
But I want to learn from my mistakes so this doesn't happen again with the one I just started.
And I still don't know what's causing this.


Well-Known Member
well she certainly looked fine but it's not really the case anymore... :(
plus the growth have been really slow due to the shitty weather that was overcast 70% of the time.
here it is now, in all it's burnt glory. It started showing pistils too so it's gonna flower soon and it's still so small.
notice how the first two leaves are just gone and the third set tarted burning.
I feel like it stopped now but I took time to figure it out.

I started a new grow indoors and it's going much much better.
At 7days old, my new seedling is bigger than this plant was at 2weeks old!
Don't fret over a couple ugly leaves, as it doesn't necessarily represent how your plant is currently doing. She actually looks pretty good. Look at the new growth on top. Damaged leaves don't repair themselves, so you might just seeing the remains of a corrected issue on those lower leaves. All you've got to do is staysta track, and she'll be fine.


Well-Known Member
I just went to take a newer pic and it keeps going. I'm not sure what it's all about.
I don't mind this plant being a fucking mess even though I'm still a bit sad about it... It's my first grow after all.
But I want to learn from my mistakes so this doesn't happen again with the one I just started.
And I still don't know what's causing this.
Okay, I guess things aren't okay.

Droopy leaves are a sign of over/under watering, so check that first.


Well-Known Member
I just went to take a newer pic and it keeps going. I'm not sure what it's all about.
I don't mind this plant being a fucking mess even though I'm still a bit sad about it... It's my first grow after all.
But I want to learn from my mistakes so this doesn't happen again with the one I just started.
And I still don't know what's causing this.
You can remove the damaged leaves. The plant doesn't need to be wasting energy trying to keep them alive.


Well-Known Member
I thought your whole plant fell over, but I realized that you had actually just tied her down. So, I think she'll be fine.


Active Member
okay thanks. It's actually not drooping. They point up during the day but it was like past 8pm when I took the picture so she got ready for sleep
I'm glad it's not that bad!
But I'm prepared for a low yield. It's already entering flowering yet it's so small. ^^


Well-Known Member
okay thanks. It's actually not drooping. They point up during the day but it was like past 8pm when I took the picture so she got ready for sleep
I'm glad it's not that bad!
But I'm prepared for a low yield. It's already entering flowering yet it's so small. ^^
LOL! Dude, you won't have a problem with your yield from issues stemming (no pun intended) from a plant this young :). You'll get the joke after you've grown a few times :) it takes something fairly major to seriously effect your average yield. However, when you are a more advanced grower, you'll have a set of techniques for getting the most out of your plants. A lot of it is just from practicing.

Don't worry if your leaves droop a little late in the day. It's common. You'll know the difference between that, and over or underwatering.


Well-Known Member
okay thanks. It's actually not drooping. They point up during the day but it was like past 8pm when I took the picture so she got ready for sleep
I'm glad it's not that bad!
But I'm prepared for a low yield. It's already entering flowering yet it's so small. ^^
Why do you think she's starting to flower? Did her light schedule drop below 14 hours a day? That's what it takes, unless you stress the hell out of a plant, and she turns Hermie. If she's getting more than 15 yours of light a day, then don't worry about it. If not, you want to provide supplimental light. You can just put a 23w daylight CFL right above her for a few hours into the night.


Active Member
well It's an autoflower so light schedule isn't the determining factor here :/
and I know it's entering flower because of the white pistils she's been popping out the last few days.
I can't really put lights around it because I grow outside and on top of there being no electricity acessible in my greenhouse,
it's not perfectly legal and a fat ass light coming out of it late in the day would be a dead giveaway that I'm up to something shady lol.


Well-Known Member
well It's an autoflower so light schedule isn't the determining factor here :/
and I know it's entering flower because of the white pistils she's been popping out the last few days.
I can't really put lights around it because I grow outside and on top of there being no electricity acessible in my greenhouse,
it's not perfectly legal and a fat ass light coming out of it late in the day would be a dead giveaway that I'm up to something shady lol.
The more significant problem you're going to be facing is the smell, once she's a few weeks into flower. It's not something you can hide outside. If it were me, I'd just grow inside. It would suck if you got busted for your outside plant, because you would certainly lose your inside plants, and possibly your freedom. You don't want any indication that you're growing anything, and the less people that know, including friends, family, and significant partners, the less chance of being caught. People can flip on you, and you don't really know who's going to be telling others, even after they promised not to tell anyone.


Active Member
I have a safe place for it to flower in the countryside. I know I won't be able to care for it much, but the job is already so botched I prefer to just let it do its thing and focus on my 10day old northern light auto seedling.
This lil 10days old seedling is bigger than this one was when it was 20days old!