First Times Getting High, What Songs Changed For You?


Well-Known Member
for your first few times smoking and getting the highest you've ever been, what are some of the songs that took on new meaning after you listened to them and the memories or feelings that are now forever associated? not a discussion about what you like to listen to while you smoke, but rather, whats that song that when you hear it, it just brings you back and is extremely nostalgic?

for me, animal collective's did you see the words?
it was one of my first times getting so high you cant move and all you can do is lay on the floor and let the music invade you're body and soul. every sound was crystal clear and ever since that day, i always associate feeling joyous and happy whenever i listen to that song.
YouTube - indie music video
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Active Member
my song would have to be Roll another joint by tom petty. It was the second time i smoked pot and i was at my peak when this song came on it was the first time i heard the song too. I just mellowed out chillin to the music feeling the base feeling my hear beating like crazy. Oh yea the good old days.


New Member
Afroman - Palm Dale brings back my earliest memories of smoking... Driving in the boonies late at night singing with 2 phatass blunts being passed around.

Enigma's music puts me in a magical state of mind.. and it reminds me of when Gravity of Love was a popular song.. which is when I started smoking.

SOAD - Spiders was [and still is] one of my favorite songs to listen to and I have vivid memories tied to smoking with that song... I can really go on all day but these are the most important songs to me.


Active Member
first time I tripped I ended up listening to Man Man and I said "I get it. I really get it."
Awesome band.


Well-Known Member
"Don't Hold Back" by The Sleeping

My friend was playing guitar hero when I was blazed as hell and it was just too crazy


Active Member
the first time i got high my friend put on a jimi hendrix cd and as soon as the song little wing came on i just zoned out...
from that day forward i have considerd hendrix to be a big part of my smoking experince


Well-Known Member
a lot of music changed for me. Sometimes in a shitty way because smoking sometimes makes me over analyze things and so sometimes when I listen to music all I can hear are sexual innuendos. Not that that's a bad thing. But sometimes I'll find myself listening to some classic stuff, doors or zeppelin or something and I'll I can hear is the sex.