FIRst Timer Needing HElp


Active Member
Yo, im thinking about making a 2'3'2 grow box. Ive never made one before nor have i grown before. i really dont even no the principles of growing. Thats why i need some guidance from ppl that have been in my situation. i seriously only want 2-3 plants. I want to Make my own grow box out of Plywood. 2'3'2 ft. for fans i was thinking of computer fans one on the top to move warmer air and one on the bottom moving cold air. what kind of light and maybe what other suggestions do you guys have for me? Remember this is my first time, needs to be cheap, and i really dont need class a danks, just something i can take pride in n get high from. also im worried about smell. Thanks guys
and maybe a suggestion for what strain i should grow my first time!

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
I suggest that you read the GrowFAQ located at the top of each page. You will get a basic concept of different growing styles and the science behind it. You can keep it simple or complicate the hell out of it. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
With no clue about anything but the size of space that you have it is really hard to give guidance on such a general question.

You need to start with the FAQ section of this forum and then read the sticky threads at the top of each section of the forum.

After you do that you will be in a much better position to even understand the answers that you get.

I'm not trying to brush you off dude, you just need to study and read for a while. A lot, if not most of the questions that you have will be apparent to you.

:peace:bro, and good luck!