First Time Shroom Grower PF-Tek


Well-Known Member
my cheap ass PC is fucking up and not pc'in shit..the seal is fucked up somehow but its too late to take it off and try to fix the shit now
i guess im just going to steam these and hope for the best

making some more syringes too..can never be too prepared

Kush, Ive probably asked you this before but I cant find it..where can I find polyfill at?


Well-Known Member the crafts section...comes in a bag about the size of a pillow....its cheap, its basicly what pillows are stuffed with.


Well-Known Member
my PC finally started pc'in last night, just took longer than usual
I followed Kush's Tek this time and simmered the seeds and added a little verm
once done, i shook the jars up and put them back in until this morning
i innoculated 3 qt jars of WBS and covered with the micro-pore tape.

ive got a few pics of a weak 3rd flush for the 2 cakes and a pic of my overcrowded hoping i can take something out soon



Well-Known Member
Looking good man! If that PC is giving you shit, I recommend taking it back(thats what I did with my walmart PC) And I got an 8 qt from Sears for the same price that holds more!
I don't know if you still have your receipt, but I just told them I tryed using it last night, and it wouldn't hold pressure. Not to encourage bad Karma, but when you gotta get shit done, you need to have the right equipment, right!


Active Member
hey guys does anybody know of any sites similiar to budmail and such that will distribute mushrooms?i tried growing them and failed due to the cold weather(i live in ireland,its winter and they were thai spores and needed warmer growing conditions). i also was gonna buy from a site in holland but as of from the 1st december mushrooms are now illegal in holland! any ideas????


Well-Known Member could cut a square out of it..and put seran over it and seal well with tape...then just keep your light right over the window you cut....I would make a is a pic of what I would take off..making it to where the seran wrap will still cover the width...


Well-Known Member
alright i was being lazy and figured i would just seran wrap the whole top to avoid having to cut more shit but ill get it done.
so i can just tape the seran wrap to make a window in the lid?
everything else seem in order?


Well-Known Member
yep...looks good to me! did the 1 jar you had end up being contaminated?...and how is the growth after shaking?


Well-Known Member
Nice lookin shrooms bro, not many, but still nice looking. I like the picture of the gills, they look cool.


Well-Known Member
Another idea on the lid, something I was actually thinking about. I saw a guy that mounted 2 24" florotubes inside the lid of a large FC. The only thing I was questioning was whether the humidity would hurt anything, or if the light would heat up the fc to much.


Well-Known Member
it would get too warm...I have to keep my FC so far below the light or it will get too warm....and if its too warm..they wont fruit


Well-Known Member
That was what I was thinking, just something I thought about after I was it. Maybe it was cold where he was, and the heat didn't hurt. On another note, if you wanted to make it more permanent, you could get a small piece of plexiglass at lowes, and use some epoxy to glue it in place!