First time shroom grow log :)


Well-Known Member
you should all be familiar with searching and using keywords. is the place to learn. look under cultivation and grow teks.

heres the quick run down

1. spores are legal in all BUT 3 states. mushrooms arent.

2.order from recommended sites (pls search)

3. depending on temps and substrate content, shroom growth will vary. anywhere from 2 weeks of JAR GROWTH and 2 for fruiting UNDER BEST CONDITIONS. expect more like 4-8 weeks.

4. CONTAMINATION WILL HAPPEN FAST. i have experimented with some things and most of it got contam. a couple different varieties, cobweb, lipstick, green mold.... IT ALL HAPPENS FAST. if you get contam, and keep warm moist conditions, there is no way the mycelium can fight it off. only when the cakes are full do they have the resilince to contams.

5. fruiting, growing mushrooms on cakes, will happen when temps are decreased and humidity is increased along with a fresh supply of air and 4-8 hours of limited light. most people use plastic storage tubs or you can use foam beer coolers you get at the package store. i use old fish tanks. again please search for designs, they are out there.

6. young ones are more potent, and you eat less dry ones as opposed to wet ones to get off and trip. 3 dry mushrooms could make you trip where you might need to eat 2 or 3 times that if they are wet.

I AM NO GURU!!!!!!!! just a stupid stoner with nothin to do. i learned this for the last 3-5 months. i am on my second grow and there are better and other ways out there. this cake method is simple to learn and get to know how to do it.

i will post an update soon.

again, if you are serious about it, bookmark and read for one week. then give it a shot.
Ok Its been awhile since I ckecked this thread so sorry for the delay. I will Try to anwser some questions. 1. Supplies. Most came from walmart and the spores came from Spores101 mushroom spore strains available in print or syringe. Organic Brown Rice flour came from Whole Foods. Time to grow: Im on week 3 with keeping jars at 85. Just birthed (or remove from jars and put in terrianium) about 10 mins ago. 3) Climate: Incubation is done in a Warm (86 is the prefered temp) dark place. Growing afterword is done in a Terrianium at about 10 degrees cooler that Incubat. and with a humidity at or as close as you can ger to 100%. Indirect light needed for like A few hours a day.

Well here is the update:

Birth today 6 of nine jars. 3 more still need time. Here are some pics



Well-Known Member
Yeah after posting my dumbass went on and learned it pretty well.i mean i had it down almost from watching you guys well the basics and read for a couple of hours and it seems pretty cheap but it takes work to keep it clean and make it near perfect. very interested in this. A friend of mine is growing these as we speak if he got the spores.first batch of spores was messed up so he got delayed.he was pissed.but i should be home bout the time they are done so ill have to ask and see cause the only thing i was concerned about was the terrianium. but im sure its easier than it looks on for the help to us


Well-Known Member
can you get a spore print off a dry shroom?


does it smell when you cook the jars?


but it takes work to keep it clean and make it near perfect.

yes and no

my first batch of ten jars gave me four viable ones. not that i had contam but now that i think on it, my temps were not correct.

i have 21 jars now, and all are perfect. no contam.

i spent a little more time in prepping my work space as it was only my kitchen.
but after wiping everything down, making sure there was no outside air flow and spraying lysol in air as well as during wipe down, i have 21 jars looking good.

it is worth the effort on the clean. the rest can be a little less. use common sense and make the lest possible motions when doing things especially after they have been sterilized.


Well-Known Member
Would someone mind explaining what prints are? perferably the owner of this thread, as I do not want to hi-jack his thread. otherwise, the cakes look nice. :D


Well-Known Member
very nice i got golden teacher fruiting right now i picked 30+ mushies right now and a few are carrot size!!!:)



Well-Known Member
Timmy, I looked that up on and it said something about a mushroom almost to maturity is pressed on a paper for 12-24 hours but I didn't get it at all.


Well-Known Member
you pick a FRESH cap and place it onto a surface to collect your spores.
the spores will drop from the cap, remove cap and theres your spore print.