First time setup


New Member
Hey guys just joined the forums, wanted to share my setup i have going right now. Its my first time growing hydroponically so any helpful criticism is welcome, just no bashing please.DSC00402.jpgDSC00404.jpgDSC00407.jpgDSC00408.jpg
so ive got a drip/ebb and flow system, the pump is on for 30 mins (off for an hour) filling the tub until it reaches the overflow seen in the second pic. there is a slow drain tube that marks where the water will rest when the pump is off. I'm using hydroton as the growing medium topped off with some coco coir. The plants are getting the three part general hydroponics nutrient system, in low doses right now while they are small. im a little concerned about the opacity of the grow tent, it seems a little too solid but painters plastic is all that i could find locally. Any suggestions? comments? Thanks in advance :)


I don't know if you will find it an issue but I'm wondering if with your coco choir will have an issue with it running off or clogging your drainage system and lines...or just being a real pain in the butt to clean those top boxes.

while it will probably have better water retention at the top just using hydroton would be much cleaner perhaps and I'm not sure what the coco choir serves to do, what's your thoughts on adding it?


Active Member
Run your drip system 24/7. I have done countless experiments doing intervals and 24/7 and running it all day every day is hands down the best way to go. Youll see a big difference right off the bat when you start an all day cycle, cant hurt to try at least!!!


New Member
The coco coir did make the water dimmer, i may remove it when i change the nutrient water. I figured it would hold water better but its more of a nuisance really.

I was going to do the all day drip but dont the roots need a chance to air out ? At least i could try 30 on 30 off and see if theres an improvement, like you said cant hurt to try, im just testing this setup before i buy the real deal seeds.

Speaking of, anyone know a reliable source for seeds? Im thinking seedsman, but i wanted to ask first. Seems a little sketchy buying from the internet.