first time set up and grow


first of all... hello to everyone, this is my first post here after many logons to learn how to do what i did. I want to say thank you to many for posting very helpful tutorials and tricks. Which after reading I begain my room.
i am here now to ask for any help/advice i can get so i can make "my room the best it can be"

i have 8 plants

2 sour diesel
3 northern lights
3 bagseed

2 are dwarfed ... grown on the window for 1 month ?? now they just kind of sit there

the sour diesel 1 is growing normal the other is stuck and just getting very thick and bushy with out any vertical growth ?
the stems are both very thick!

northern lights seem to be doing well

bagseed 2 dwarfs 1 retard!!


any suggestions would be great here as everything you see i put together. I dont exactly live on the beaten path and outside the the country!! so buying anything is very difficult.. i have been looking for a ph tester for 2 months!!

2 rooms

1st room

2 reflectors 400w hps with 400w mh each

cloning station powered by 3/4 florex by lights of america 6825k 4550lumens.. fan

2 fans

10000 btu a/c

2nd room flowering closet

1 reflector 2 x 400w hps

1 fan

10000 btu a/c

i am going to start cloning
when my rockwool arrives ... yeah i had to have someong mail it to me from the states along with the gel and dome... and they didnt have any ph testing device!

to the plants

the dwarfs

i trans planted the thin one because it was in a pot way too small and in doing so it almost died.. lost a lot of leaves

the others leaves are turning yellow with what looks like nute burn or P deficiant

retard..... why does this happen? is it because i topped it to young?

sour diesel... the stems are very thick? why is one bushy without vertical growth?

northern lights ?

plant setup

1xR 2xBS 5xNL 6xNL

3xBS 4xSD 7xNL 8x SD

On to the room.
First time attempt at any of this, as i said before not on the path of norm and there is nothing !!!! ever around so i thought i would have a go at it! and finally be able to have a good smoke.

Just want to say that this is a " not for profit" setup!!!!!!!!





not one reply in 2 days .... come on guys girls i really need some addvice here on those 2 plants.... is it p dif?


Well-Known Member
welcome to RIU. first off you went all out for your setup for a new grower, quite commendable. as for your problems with plants i dunno right off. the MG nutes may be contributing. it depends on the water ph your using. which if i read correctly you dont know? that stuff lowers your water oh, which is fine if its like 7 naturally or so but if your using say 6.1 or so which is fine for soil, your dropping it lower, beyond the sweet spot about 5.9-6.5. your guess on phosphorus could be right, below 5.5 plants have trouble absorbing phosphorus. you need a ph tester, at least a pool ph test kit. you SHOULD be able to get one of those with little trouble.
no offense, but i find it a little silly to drop all that cash for 4x HID lights and have a nice set up like you have, and fail to get any kind of ph tester. check around online and find one, or hit a pool supply store or wall mart or something such and get something test. gonna do a little more checkin up on your conditions.


A POOL TESTER WILL WORK??? ok so i check the run off then????
i have been looking for ... welll i dont even know what!!


Well-Known Member
lol, yeah a pool tester is what i use. three drops of the red liquid and you get a decent reading. mine only goes down to like 6.1 or 2. i just try to get it close to that. my water is like 6.4-6.5 tap. i overused ph down, big mistake, and locked out MUCH more than what you have if thats your problem. it does look like phosphorus to me too. with a bit of salt build up too. they could probably use a flush. i would do one watering and check the run off. if its low flush with slightly raised ph water. you have nothing to worry about. your plants look good. nice to catch it early though. or you could end up like me, with your lower leaves going all to shit.


lol, yeah a pool tester is what i use. three drops of the red liquid and you get a decent reading. mine only goes down to like 6.1 or 2. i just try to get it close to that. my water is like 6.4-6.5 tap. i overused ph down, big mistake, and locked out MUCH more than what you have if thats your problem. it does look like phosphorus to me too. with a bit of salt build up too. they could probably use a flush. i would do one watering and check the run off. if its low flush with slightly raised ph water. you have nothing to worry about. your plants look good. nice to catch it early though. or you could end up like me, with your lower leaves going all to shit.

right on man ... thanks for the reply

going to post some pics tomorrow ... they are growing about 1.5 - 2 inch per day


well my plants have started to sex ... so far def 2 girls and 2 wtf\s\
both my sour diesel are girls t.g.
2 n. lights are showing but not sure ... opinions please?

heres the pics

still got a prob with the 1 that's yellow and dieing ,, tried flushing 2 times with a gallon and a half. then leaf feeding.. still the same after 5 days



Active Member
the first pic i think is a male just because i had two plants and one was male one a beautiful female. my male startedout with shit that looked just like the first pic. I hope it is a female but might be a lil early to tell still.


first one was a sour diesel and def female... but thanks for the reply
it the 2 others that are undetermined the thinner ones


Well-Known Member
hey, im fairly sure your problem is phos. now. you can see the leaves getting necrotic spots from it. still no dice on the ph tester? how are your temps running in there too?


hey, im fairly sure your problem is phos. now. you can see the leaves getting necrotic spots from it. still no dice on the ph tester? how are your temps running in there too?
got a pool ph ... like yours only goes to 6.2 i think .. tring to test run off but its clouldy and yellow water which i believe in turn is not giving a fair reading... its saying 8.4 or something and thats on the good looking plants???? and after testing all they were more or less the same reading!!

thin i got 2 males so far


a little update

i am building a modified stinkbud system
so going to areoponics heres some pics
they got big

will post when im finished building

