First Time PC Case Grow Random Bagseed


Well-Known Member
Asshole $50.00

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Indoor/Outdoor 10th generation Indica. The name is entertaining and so is the weed. Very large buds fill each branch and may require support late into flower. Stoney high that seems to last forever! Height: 2-3 Ft indoors/ 3-4Ft Outdoors
Flowering Time: 8 weeks indoors/ Mid to Late Sept outdoors


Well-Known Member
Day 39- 1May/09 - Plants
Lights: 4 x 23w 2700k CFL
Light Cycle: 12/12
Temp: 77.4F

Pics 1-4: plant 1 looking great new growth coming out the top lower branches getting bigger, no signs of sex i tied the top down again.

Pics 5-8: plant 2 looking good its really picked up growth wise lots of top growth now and i also retied the top down. all is well here

both plants still smell very plant like which i guess it okay for now? you guys think i should tie down the lower branches as they get bigger?



Well-Known Member
It's all happening in the DW household isn't it?
Just checked out the last 2 updates and it's looking brilliant in there now fella. Mighty impressive.

That big sucker on sprout#1 could well make it across the pot and throw out some more bud sites in the time the other sidebranches take to start shooting up. I'd take that bet and tie it for sure :)
The other way of getting an even canopy is illustrated in pic 7. If the small shoots are further up a 45 degree main shoot then they all end up around the same height. you can fine tune it by tweeking the height of the main top.
Looking wicked now m8.


Well-Known Member
thanks v i hope i make you proud and im praying that plant 1 is a female id be so happy! but we'll see what happens. takes about a week to show sex correct? i hope things keep going this smoothly after such a bumpy start.


Well-Known Member
Bigger plants show pretty quick cos they already preflowerd. It will still take a couple of weeks for you I guess.


Well-Known Member
That's right.. asshole. I remember wondering, "why is this dude calling his plants little assholes?" ;) Awesome sounding Indica.


Nice setup there. I am about to attempt a pc grow for a first grow. i am in the process of gutting / layout atm.


Well-Known Member
thanks ele yah lets hope it lives up to its description. and shifta welcome to the pc grow world, what size pc? you should start a journal and document your build aswell.


Ohh i shall And its a midsize atx and I am wondering about the lighting bracket. location and what to line the case with? I have a post in the newb section i dont really know how to start a journal on here either so ... lol


Well-Known Member
Ohh i shall And its a midsize atx and I am wondering about the lighting bracket. location and what to line the case with? I have a post in the newb section i dont really know how to start a journal on here either so ... lol
hey shifts thats a good case for the lighting bracket i used one of those shelving units you know the two bars that run parelle vertically and the bar that hooks into them and then you put your board or shelf on that, im terrible at explaining things, ill try post some pics. and i lined my cased with the sunshield thing your put over your care dashboard, its a goo insulator. but yah ill try post some pics for you soon.


Well-Known Member
I noticed your digital timer. I will say as a warning, I used a digital in my hydro setup for my pump, after a day the timer reset itself and stopped kicking on the water when scheduled. I know your not using it for the same purpose, but thought I'd share. I've seen gone with a regular mechanical timer, and couldn't be happier, haven't had a single problem since.

Aside from that, kick ass case, looks fucking clean! I'm a big fan of the power strip/light socket/CFL rig. I've seen it often and that looks nice.

I'm also growing bagseed.. had a handful lying around in my stash box, have no clue what ANY of them are. Check it out HERE

good luck and happy growing. +rep for the sexy case


Well-Known Member
thanks for the comment shackle and the advice i will definetly watch my digi timer for sure then if something goes wrong i can go to the company complaining of my plant turning hermie cuz of them lol. any who... i will totaly check out your grow.

shifta heres the picture for my case i used a 12" piece of the mountaing bar and just two of the brackets heres the pic sorry its so shitty



Ok how many lights will i need in a mid size case and also how do i start a journal ill post some pics of the case and stuff. Pre fab. i think it will be fine i have gotten so many great ideas and have gained so much knowledge here i think its contagious i enjoy the learning experience. ty for the help again DW + Rep did you just break all the pop rivets to remove the HDD bracket and the CD-ROM bracket... And the mobo tray. also what kinda light setup are you using how are you hooking the light straight to the power strip. i really like your adjustable light setup. I broke down an old flex light today and have it sitting here imma have to soder it back together on monday. to get the wires to the fixture again, but i got the base off and ill be able to use that for my Up close dome lighting setup for over the babies.

I also have been looking at alot of the plexi glass setups and i dont really understand why people do this can any one explain this to me sorry not trying to hijack your thread. I have a thread in noob section but they told me to come talk to all of the pc growers.!


Well-Known Member
then talk to pc growers you shall. if you look back at my picks i have two power bars in the case one is a 5 outlet i plug my timer and light bar into aswell as the fans. the lights come from a 7 outlet power bar so 4 lights with a space in between each it works wonder with thouse direct bulb to outlet adapters. and for the 5 outlet power bar i ran its cord out the back so it looks like a normal pc case from a quick glance. and yes i took a drill with a bit and drilled out all the rivets that i needed, dont get carried away and let your case fall apart lol. i think 4 lights are good for a case this size unless you rather just do one 125watt cfl but i like the four and being able to adjust it. as for creating a thread go click the forum link at the top scroll to journals click it then at the top right there will be a link saying new thread click that and tada you got yourself a journal. and as for the plexiglass the prupose of it is to hold back heat and sort of put a barrier between the plant and lights but if well ventilated its not needed. i think i covered everything if not just keep you know hot to give rep if not its that little scale icon on the top right of my post.


Ok thanks for the info i started my build and also drilled out all those bastards after trying the hammer and flat head screwdriver method... They move really fast ... lol Btw check my sig.


Active Member
I'm in the middle of makin' my case and stumbled upon your journal. Totally diggin' it and I may be hittin' ya up for some pointers! ;)



Well-Known Member
Day 40- 2May/09 - Plants
Lights: 4 x 23w 2700k CFL
Light Cycle: 12/12
Temp: 74.4F

Pics 1-4: Meet Nedra shes part of the DW family now and shes made me proud with sprouting pistils at 4 diffrent node spots over night. She throwing out top and lower branch growth like mad. Shes everything id want in a real female lol.

Pics 5-8: Plant 2 still doing well. Top growth coming in and and branch growth aswell i wish it was as big as Nedra :( oh well hopefully sex will show sometime soon i doubt it due to its size but ill keep your posted.

Also gave them both a blast of flowering nutes they seem to be enjoying it, no nute burn so im happy for sure!

