First time Outdoor


Well-Known Member
I've grown indoor hydro so I know some basics but nothing as far as outdoor.
So I got my seeds germinating and I'm wondering if I just plant them in soil or do I need to vegg them indoors first?
Also someone said just plant them in 30 gal buckets. Should I start with smaller buckets and then transplant?
Also I'd like to know what soil everyone is using and if your Checking PH on your water.
Thanks in advance!


Well-Known Member
I've grown indoor hydro so I know some basics but nothing as far as outdoor.
So I got my seeds germinating and I'm wondering if I just plant them in soil or do I need to vegg them indoors first?
Also someone said just plant them in 30 gal buckets. Should I start with smaller buckets and then transplant?
Also I'd like to know what soil everyone is using and if your Checking PH on your water.
Thanks in advance!
Go in soil if you can.Add some peat and compost and your soil in thirds.maybe some rock dust and a couple spoons of general veg fertilizer.You will be better off than watering containers dry out fast and lose water to evaporation.GL Established plants are better suited for putting in ground.
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You will love growing in soil....
You can do it either way. Start them indoors or out.
Soil recommendations= use something not very hot like FF happy frog. ( Hot soil will fry your seedlings quick)
If you use this method you will not have to feed any nutes for some time.
Water only....
I use straight well water right from the hose... It's a wonderful thing.
I know my water is right around 6.5 ph yes it fluctuates +/_ a few but I have never once had a problem from the water I use.
Use PH to test your water at the beginning if it is good then run with it as long as your city doesn't put all kinds of crap in your water supply.

There are a million ways to skin a cat but this is how I role.

Plant your germinated seeds in Solo cups about 1/4 inch down. (make sure you cut the bottom ) Like so..
Solo bottom 4p.JPG

You can use a larger pot and plant into that like so
in a 10g 4p.JPG

If you decide to go with the large pot planting method just remember to separate and up pot them before they get all free love up in there like my herb garden has
Herb Garden  Free Love 4p.JPG

I find the Solo cups are better as you can put them in a tray and water them from the bottom which is way easier that watering each individually. Plus the tap root will chase the water at the bottom... its a win win..

Pheno hunt 4p.JPG

I started the Solo cups outdoors in a place where there is a structure to the south of them so they will only get early morning light and some Late afternoon light but not too much. Just when the sun is going down they get a bit of lite also. Just lift a Solo cup or two every few days to see if you need to add water to the tray. Don't let them sit in a tray with water very long.

Not sure your location but where I am located there is only 13 hours of light so I have to provide addition light for a few hours until there is more light in the day. As a side note the seedlings were not given addition lighting outside until recently and are all good to go.. so there's that!

I have got way more info for you and am glad to assist the best I can.
I have the utmost appreciation for people that grow outside their comfort zone.
Please let us know what how you proceed and take care.