First time, Nirvana ICE and Short Rider


Well-Known Member
First time grow, vegging under a 400 watt hps air-cooled light 24/7. The large ones are Nirvana ICE (one week old) and the two small ones are Nirvana Short Riders (three days old). Once it is time to switch to flowering I will be using a 1000 watt hps bulb. My tent is 5x5x6 1/2. Any input on possible phenos is welcome.



Well-Known Member
Some tasty Indica phenos there Midwestern! Top left plant in the lst pic looks interesting.
Four ladies in a 4x4...mmmm...Scrog? Topping? Could be very nice...imo;)


Well-Known Member
Some tasty Indica phenos there Midwestern! Top left plant in the lst pic looks interesting.
Four ladies in a 4x4...mmmm...Scrog? Topping? Could be very nice...imo;)
Thanks. I think I am going to go with Uncle Ben's topping technique and SCROG. However, the short riders are an autoflowering strain that finishes in 60 days so I will not be topping those.


Well-Known Member
Update! One of my ICE plants seems to be a really vigorous pheno while the other is garbage. The small one refuses to grow after being topped and gets nutrient burned EXTREMELY easily, should I just throw it out and start a few wonderwoman seeds? Should I just let it grow and hope for the best? The two large ones in the photo are the untopped short rider autos and the two shorter ones are ICE. Thanks for the help, folks. I need to think about carbon filters, I can definitely notice the smell!



Well-Known Member
Nice! I should think about potting them into their final pots, the earlier this is done the better imo.
I couldn't advise on the little runt...I have a policy of killing no herb unless it's diseased, but that's just the olde hippy in me ;)
I'm putting this "Ice" strain on my short list though....


Well-Known Member
Nice! I should think about potting them into their final pots, the earlier this is done the better imo.
I couldn't advise on the little runt...I have a policy of killing no herb unless it's diseased, but that's just the olde hippy in me ;)
I'm putting this "Ice" strain on my short list though....
Thanks for your input, I'm waiting on some four gallon pots in the mail. The strong pheno of Ice and both of my short riders grow like a tomato plant!

I've been growing my own food for about 10 years now, but herb is new to me so I don't know whether these runts can surprise me come flowering time. I'm pretty good at judging when a plant needs nutrients, and marijuana is no different from any other plant I have grown. There is something special about watching something you care for grow and blossom, whether it is your children or your plants.


Well-Known Member
I'm sure there's more nutrition from vegetables grown by oneself, and I get higher with herb that I've grown myself. I say "myself", but you know what I mean..
Nearly symbiosis...a great word! :)


Well-Known Member
I grew that in potting soil fed with fish tank water, worm castings and miracle grow. It as about 15 inches tall and is starting to reek so I guess it's good my carbon filter is on the way!


Well-Known Member
Yeh it is! Those carbon filters are absolutely vital and do a fantastic job. My cheap one lasted 18 months in a 4 x 4 tent, so they aren't too much £/$s...especially when they prevent soooo many people getting busted..
They are the unsung hero in the grow room! (except my one, of course! 'cos i just sang it's praises! ;))


Well-Known Member
In the foreground is one of my short riders. Check out all of the bud sites! Behind it is a Nirvana ICE plant that was topped to have four main colas. I started three wonder woman plants that are now taking off, and I will show them off later after their low-stress training. The plants are currently on an 18 on, 6 off cycle under a 1000 watt hps light.

In all I now have 2 short riders (auto), 3 wonder woman (photoperiod), and 1 ice (photoperiod). Strangely, the ice plant is showing preflowers. Perhaps ruderalis gene contamination? Anybody else experience this?



Well-Known Member
The Ice and Short Riders are nearly a month older than the Wonder Women. They are all grown in 4 gallon pots and the Short Riders and Ice have been growing for Close to 1 1/2 months. I have utilized topping for 4 main colas on all of the Ice and Wonder Woman plants, and I have also utilized LST to make them bushy.

Clockwise from top left:
Ice, Wonder Woman #1, Short Rider #2, Short Rider #1

