First Time Indoor Grow


Well-Known Member
Alright, in the past I've always felt indoor growing wasn't comparable to outdoor growing.... but Ive recently opened my eyes to it. Ive decided to see for myself. I recently purchased White Widow and BC Buddah (fem) seeds from bcseedking. I have a 120 Watt HPS lamp, and plenty of CFLs and tube flouros. I planted two of them in a rubbermaid container, and I will have 4 or five more on the way (the rest are outdoor, but thats something for a different grow journal possibly). They've sprouted and are looking pretty healthy. I'll update after I go out and get foxfarm nutes and soil for the babes.


New Member
120W hps in a rubbermaid? wow. that's a lot of lumens. assuming you LST the hell out of them, and have some great ventilation, it could work.

good luck.


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry for no pictures on the last post.... here they are. Tell me what you think about the grow thus far everyone! Can anyone help diagnose the problem with the seedling shown?


Well-Known Member
So it has become apparent this is my first time posting pictures... how do I post them so it easy for ya'll to see them? And no Its not like that cult..... the dirt is in the rubbermaid, up to the top Im using it as a pot. The lights are suspended from above.


Well-Known Member
I would get rid of the have plenty of lighting for now.
I just wanted to comment on your avatar...
That shit is funny...