first time i grow...


Well-Known Member
hey,i need some tips.
thie plant me and my friend planted befor
more then 4 monthes (!!!) but we did
alot of newbie mistakes (like at first we
planted the seeds in plain dirt and not in a quality soil...)
so now i think its in his early stages of growing:
anyway,i would if you will:
1.tell me if you now if the plant is male or female (i think male)
2.if i wouldn't told you the age of the plant-what stage will
you think it was?
3.every tip for making the plant do beter will
be helpful-thank you very much!!


Active Member
Early stage? I dunno. Looks like it's been harvested and now in re-veg to me. But in any case, your poor plants looks terrible. Where are all it's leaves? Over pruned, bad lighting. I'm speechless. =(


Well-Known Member
well we cut some of the leaves becouse we wanted to smoke it.
but don't you thing it's too small,i mean,the plant is very short,is has
alot more to grow up no?
and whats "re-veg" and "Over pruned" means?

beenthere donethat

Well-Known Member
The leaves are the power source/food source for the plant. You can't get high on em and you basically stunt your plant taking them off so it's a self-defeating process all the way around.

What you need is mnore light and some ventilation. Yer lucky to have grown what you've grown with that small amount of light.

I wouldn't expect much "bud" if you don't plan on buying a real light like an hps and getting serious about growing weed.

re-veg means you trimmed all the leaves off and it's trying to come back/make new growth.... this term usually applies to plants that have already been harvested and the grower is trying to put it back in veg mode to take clones so they can keep the genetics around.

Over pruned means you whacked the HELL out of it looking for a high. Too much trimming..deforestation, raping of the plant, basically.

READ, READ ,READ...then read more.

good luck

bt dt