first time growing


Well-Known Member
its my first time growing, was wondering if i could get any helpful tips. i have 3 41/2'' tall each i put seeds just under the soil, 2 of the seeds have germinated one of them hasnt. eventualy i want to move them outside and let them vege and flower. i have a setup thats about 16 inches tall and 12in by 12in wide. i have the sides covered in emergency blankets for a reflective surface and 2 lights hanging about 10 to 12 in above the pots... any thing i missed . advice would be apriciated:peace:


Active Member
wrong section......

the one thats growing looks like its stretching, alot. what lights are you using.


Well-Known Member
yeah it is stretching alot its cause i had the lights way to high when i first started evrything up. ive brought them down to a better hight so the others wont end up like the first although idk what will happen to the big one. im proly going to try and put it outside soon.