first time grower, plant problems need help!


Active Member
Hello, and yes i'm about to bust my cherry on my first grow op!.

Let me explain my setup and then i'll go in to some problems i've been having.

I'm growing in a greenhouse. it is pretty high-end with 4mm thick poly panels that block out 99% of UV rays. I'm into about my 6th or 7th week of Veg. I've done literally over 100 hrs of research to find the best/most economical way to grow my pot as I need it for my knee and back (multiple surgeries). According to MY research some of the best pot in the world has come out of a greenhouse! I read somewhere that creating an advanced light cycle of 18/6, then slowly decreasing the light to say 17.5/6.5,17/7 in 30 min increments over a span of weeks would increase growth potential because you are more closely replicating the natural light cycle of the sun. I read that by growing from start to finish in a greenhouse ,could potentially maximize growth due to the natural progression towards the Autumal Equinox that indoor growers cannot quite match. Also according to my research, having high temps like 35c + and 50-70% humidity CAN boost enzymes in the plant to grow much faster than the same plant in a lower "happy medium" growing climate of say 25c and 30-45% humidity. The risk of course in growing at higher temps and humidity are fungus,mold,rot, etc.

This being said, I believe my plants are growing fast!!! I measure daily certain plants, and currently they are all growing between 1-2" a day. I have two digital thermometers, an exhaust vent, exhaust van, and storm door that is cracked open 50% to allow fresh air in. I check daily for fungus and mold, which so far hasn't been an issue.
I've only "fed" them once.... about a week ago. It was liquid plant food that I believe was 14-9-9 and I noticed that within 24 hrs.. I had 2 full inches of growth and all the tops got thicker, darker leaves. The fan leaves fattened up too! Their first " feeding " wasn't until the 5th or 6th week of veg. I'm not sure but they are somewhere between the 6th and 7th week of veg currently.

I only have two problems..

I noticed mostly only on the bottom fan leaves a brown " mottling " and "spotting" on the leaves mostly near the inner veins of the leaves, but some also on the tips. The tips would turn yellow or brown within 24 hrs of these leaves starting to get the brown spots.

I was thinking potassium or magnesium deficiency?
I water twice a day with light "shower" setting on hose. And due to high temps in the greenhouse I mist every 2-3 hrs to maintain the temp between 30-35c
My average temp during the daytime is about 35.5 (96f) . with average humidity about 55%

My second problem is that I think they will be TOO BIG to get out my 6' door when they finish flowering.

Right now my two tallest are 31" tall. the smallest being 26".

By my calculations they will veg for another 92 Days until the autumal equinox in which the day/night will be 12/12. So in another 92 days, THEN they start flowering in which they will potentially double in size?
They are approaching 3 feet in height, and another 3 months of growth the probably will grow another 2 feet. so i'm going to maybe get 8-10' christmas trees?

I'm a little confused.
My two starins are AK-47 and Haze.. just plain haze.
The Aks are the bigger ones.. they are all over 28" while the sativas are the smaller bunch at 24:-26".

I do realize the aks will go about 6-8 weeks to finish and the haze about 14? So I really will have christmas trees in that the sativas will finish around christmas or new years???

If i'm out to lunch please tell me.. i'm a noob at this and a little knowledge is dangerous.. I probably don't know half about growing as I think I do..

Anyways.. appreciate the help.



Well-Known Member
1. The discoloration could have been many things. It looks like they are growing out of it though. It is on lower leaves only.
2. Top them, tie them down, spread them out to control height.



Active Member
thx Antman.

I neglected to mention that I was very agressive while topping.. I used the " mississippi pinch" method to top.. if you look at the attached image 0521 , you'll notice that the two bottom plants each have 4 tops! Most have 2-3 tops. Should I really top more than that???