First time grower any tips?


Active Member
alright so im finally growing im using a stealth box i made from a old speaker. im not going to get all technical with this grow im just trying it out and as i go i want to learn new tricks and tips so that one day when i have a bigger setup i make the best bud. all this is just for personal use i dont plan on ever selling. so here are some pics tell me what you think and what i can do to make better i also have two plants growing right now but im going to pull one out cause the box can only grow one im just seeing which one does the best in the first five days.

I dont know if you can see the picture but in my box i have one outake fan its the top one and a dual intake fan below it, i also have another intake fan on the side it has a tunnel inside that spins and spits out air at top on the side where air goes in i put a pvc pipe that runs out side the side of the box to get new air in. i have 3 6500k cfl's, a temperature and humidity guage, and a cup of water to raise humidity.

these are to views of the plants i have in there now the one on the right looks alot stronger and better then the left one which is surprising cause that one took loger to sprout but is growing faster.

So what do you think tell me where i can improve and what i should do for my plants cause right now i have no clue haha.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like you did your studies for the most part but your off on a few things.

The plants should be about 1.5"-2.5" away from the bulbs at all times.
As close as possible without burning the leaves.
There should be a fan pointed at the plants themselves.
Most seedlings I have that take longer to sprout do better.

Looks good so far, you should have a good harvest with proper techniques.

Any more questions just ask.


Active Member
oh yeah ive been doing research for like a couple years now. something i have always been unclear about is the watering and how far from lights but you just answered one question haha. and yeah i have a bigger pot at bottom and when i put plants in it the dual intake fans will be pointed right at it and the side intake fan will be blowing right up the side and bottomof the plant also. also idk the one plant on the right looks alot better the leaves are bigger and i might just stick with that one cause i think it might be a chronic seed it sprouted from. but yeah ill probably have alot more questions as the plant grows.

Thanks man!


hi lads, im also a noob and am about to begin growing my first own bud.

ive gathered information for a week now and here is a list of equipments im going to be using....after you folk's suggestions. Please feel free to tell me whats good/wrong with these equipments, or even how to get cheaper versions. Im going to plant 4 plants aiming around 80cm tall as room is an issue for me.

1. Dimmable lumatek digital ballast 600W ($263)
2. Sunmaster 400W and 600W Dual spectrum grow lamp - 55,000 and 90,000 lumens respectively ($63)
3. Euro budget reflector ($30)
4. pair of easy-roll adjusters ($12)
5. maxiswitch 2-way light controller (10A) - day/night ($63)
6. RUCK100A - acoustic ducting - 230m3/hr - good for 600watts of light ($191)
7. budget 5 filter use for 125mm ($70)
8. bud box 75cm x 75cm x 100cm ($124)

Total of $814 but with discount and finding some other cheaper prices on ebay i believe i can get it down to around $650

Is this a good setup though? i dont have the chance to talk to anyone about it so i rely fully on this forum but people tend not to reply my threads....

Also do i need another fan for inlet/exhaust?

And is the 2 way light controller really necessary?

What other equipments apart from nutrients and soil that i need?

SORRY about all the questions, just cant stand to wait anymore to ask one question one by one.