First time grower; Am I getting a phosphorus deficiency?


Well-Known Member
Hey m man @Slebber . . .. .is that your Dawg in your Avy ??

Is he called Slebber???

Or did you mean to type "slobber" when u signed up . . . .. lol . . . . what a beast . . . .. love him already . . . . . :hug:



Hey Guys, sorry about the long time away from reply... been a crazy couple of days.

Got a couple more photos of the leaves that have these blothches. they start of as tiny yellow spots, eventually get bigger and then dry, crack and eventually look like a clean hole.

The reason i started thinking yellow leaf is the black spots (spores?) can see on some of these dead zones on the leaves. That said it does also look kinda burnt/necrotic tissue.

As usual, photos should be higher rez so if you click on the actual pic name they should open up in there own tab with a heafty zoom so you can get a close looker at the damaged areas.

The 3-4 of these yellow/limp leave (not pictured) look to have come away from the dead centre of the bush, could it be a light penetration thing? They came away with some gentle pressure. Apply that same pressure to any other leave would do nothing.

There are no green/green coloured leaves falling off. These ones you see in the pictures are ones I've removed in case its yellow leaf as I'm now on potential control of spread since its won't be going away.

New fan isn't in yet, had to go out today to pick up a power cable which I just learnt yesterday after taking receipt of delivery that the RVK fan doesn't come with.


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Active Member
Where exactly are these leaves on the plant.. bottom, middle, top? It does make a big difference knowing where these leaves are on the plant. Is it new growth or old growth that is more affected? Can you show a pic or two of the whole plant?
There are many deficiencies that will mimic each other, at first, in certain locations on the plant.


Hey Guy, if you check page3 there's a few pictures there I've done of the overall plants condition.

Bottom of page2 also has some pictures of how its set-up, there a set back picture of the whole plant. If you click the actual image it zooms into a larger view and you can scroll the picture down and see a few of those bottom leaves with the dry/cracking damage on it

These damaged leave are mostly contained to the bottom most leaves, thought i am seeing some small yellow/cracking on a couple of the newest of leaves on the top canopy. Nothing comparable to the damage you are seeing here on the bottom section.

It definitely creeping around the canopy but its almost to scale, smaller leaves, newer, then very slight damage... if any.
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