First Time Grow In The Australian Sun


Well-Known Member
how did u go with ur monster bud nut ???? i just got 5l of it , dont want to hurt my babies they r flowering hard , so would like to no how u went b4 i give it a go , thanks
Hey mate Yeah the monster bud was good , on the bottle it says 10ml every 1litre I think , I only started with 2ml though and at the moment up to about 5ml, it seems to love it, the guy in the hydro shop said use it all through veg and into the 3rd week of flowering and then get the bloom one, I forget the name of it but it is in the same looking bottle so I will go and get some of that soon and post some pics, peace


Well-Known Member
ok guys heres an update,

everything is going alright except have a huge white fly infestation they are all over the yard.. does anyone know how to get rid of these fuckers ?? ive been spraying pyrethen and garlic spray but doesnt seem to do much? also how long can i keep spraying the plant as its in flower now?


heres another little plant i started from seed a while ago. hasnt been doing much

my friends plant is getting pretty big now.


shes getting pretty thick now.

as u can see the thickness difference in a few weeks from the picture with my dog to the first ,



Well-Known Member
nice mate, with the pyrethrum spray i think it's safe until about week 4 flowering, leave atlease 3-4 weeks so the uv from the sun can degrade the pyrethrum. i think rose spray was more effective, and didnt burn the leaves atall, but whatever work man, dont worry too much, they are massive plants, id be more worried bout spidermite, white flies dissapear with the changing weather, spidermites will lay dormant,

looking great man, have a squiz at my outdoor grow if you get another chance, and my indoor grow is 3 days from flipping to flower!


Well-Known Member
so just keep spraying them and try to keep them at bay for a while? will they damage the plant at all? also on a few of the leaves there are a few rusty looking spots, any idea what this could be from? ill be sure to have another look at your girls flowamasta


Well-Known Member
i'd pull the rest of that grass in that area, and mulch deeply, leaving it more shallow around plant, so as to leave root crown un-buried, and yes......lime or oyster shells in soil as buffer. or.....
buffa, as you m8's say it.


Well-Known Member
hah thanks for the info scroglo, unfortunatly that grass is my backyard so cant really rip it all up. but i might clear it around the plant a bit more. what is the benefit of putting mulch around the plant?


Well-Known Member

ok so lost half my thread. decided to pull her up, probly a week early or something but shit weather ahead.

heres a nug i cut of about 10 days ago , smoked some and am happy with it !


heres the last few photos of the plant.

IMG_1333.jpg IMG_1328.jpgIMG_1334.jpg

and heres the harvested buds.




Well-Known Member
nice work nugget!! be sure to let us know what u got!! u might think shes a bit early, but usually thats a better smoke + more THC so good work! :)

gotta love what the sun can do!!!


Well-Known Member
nice work nugget!! be sure to let us know what u got!! u might think shes a bit early, but usually thats a better smoke + more THC so good work! :)

gotta love what the sun can do!!!

Cheers man! I'm stoked to have gotten this much my first grow just need to get the drying and curing part down now, Yeh really happy with the smoke aswell , hardly any couchlock a nice energetic buzz which is what I like, very smooth without a cure so I'm presuming it should only get better. Yeh will update when she's dry and weighed . What's your rough guesstimate ? Hah thanks again man


Well-Known Member
lol! you'll be happy as for a loooong time! id say judging by the box, and whats hanging on the hangers, id say u got between 6-10 ounces, depending on density. at a close guess i'm gonna go with 8 it looks like a large harvest for sure, for a first grow, ur a fuckin legend mate, some people start off with nothing and no clue. ur next will be even better, u can time it right, maybe grow even larger!, i have to limit my grow size, so portability is an must, and inspections every 3 months, so i cant have a monster in the ground like that!! ;) but i can grow 3 small ones to make up for it, but right now i'm growing a small outdoor patch of 6 clones, 2 strains, aswell as my indoor tent


Well-Known Member
lol! you'll be happy as for a loooong time! id say judging by the box, and whats hanging on the hangers, id say u got between 6-10 ounces, depending on density. at a close guess i'm gonna go with 8 it looks like a large harvest for sure, for a first grow, ur a fuckin legend mate, some people start off with nothing and no clue. ur next will be even better, u can time it right, maybe grow even larger!, i have to limit my grow size, so portability is an must, and inspections every 3 months, so i cant have a monster in the ground like that!! ;) but i can grow 3 small ones to make up for it, but right now i'm growing a small outdoor patch of 6 clones, 2 strains, aswell as my indoor tent
hah yeh man its the best feeling cutting it down hey! already cant wait the end of the year to start again! got my order of seeds from attitude the other day was starting to worry they ended up arriving 20 days after i ordered them. yeh glad dont have to worry about inspections its just the neighbours i have to worry about. cheers again mate

heres my mate with his plant its a fucking monster!

the seeds i got.




Well-Known Member
nice, is that right next to a jacuzzi!? ooooh dreamland, fukin have the heat krankin, some joints rolled, the tv, stereo, man, that'd be wild


Well-Known Member
Hah yeh would make for a good photo sitting in the spa with that behind you hah have u smoked any of the buds from your 2 last outdoor girls? How is it same as the last one?


Well-Known Member
Hah yeh would make for a good photo sitting in the spa with that behind you hah have u smoked any of the buds from your 2 last outdoor girls? How is it same as the last one?
yeah, i got straight into them :) they still get their pop open for an hr a day, real smelly stuff, bit stronger than the last outdoor in terms of head high, just a bit harsher on the throat at the moment, the taste is the same as the last even though i dosed those 2 girls hard with cyco, maybe a bit more tasty i noticed, i chopped it all down in ready to chop nug size, instead of leaving as heads like last time, just got sick of picking bits off a massive stem so i'm getting the best bits mixed in with the rest, better consistency like that, ohh it's definately more sticky, it's useless trying to mull this stuff!, it just all blends together in the muller, and thats after i left a dry nug out for a few hrs, thinkin it would help
i got 5.5 ounces from the 2 together, not bad for 3 months growing outside!!! straight to flower!, i got 6 more outside now growing, 4 the same strain, 2 different


Well-Known Member
yo havent been around for a bit, ended up getting 234 grams. very happy with it, cant wait for next season now,
heres some pics, thanks for all the help!



Well-Known Member
fukin good work man!! few posts back i said 8 oz ;) what a guess ey, looking sweet as mate, u gotta be stoked with that.


Well-Known Member
Yeh man stoked, dont know what to do with myself now that I don't have a plant to look at and water! Haha gonna be a good year this year though heading to europe for winter then get back and start a few plants found a good spot out bush might put a few out there!