First time getting plants to flower


Active Member
So this is my first indoor grow and first females to flower. Comments definetly appreciated. How am I doing? Using root Farm Nutes Bloom 1-4-7 every other watering. Humidity 54% temperature 77degrees. I have 2 of these 3 LST'd out like bonsai trees the other grew weird after I topped her really young, along with space issues the one cola sucked up all its light. I believe I am 65 days from seed. A month or so of veg. and a month of flower. How am I doing and when should I flush? I keep forgetting to get a jewelers loupe but I can get pretty close with cell phone zoom app. But unfortunately not close enough. How long do you think I am from harvest. I figured im a month from questioning harvest and will flush with ph water for the last 2 weeks. Any tips or comments helpful. Thank you roll it up for getting me to this point and forever a gardener at heart.


The Gram Reaper

Well-Known Member
Looks like you are in full bloom and doing well. I don't think harvest will be for another ~3 weeks. Wait for the hairs to start turning color and curling in.

I notice lot of different opinions on when/if to flush.


Active Member
Same here I heard it could effect the taste but I would love to feed bloom as long as possible. I have heard the hairs will turn amber and curl in, theyre really white and stretching right now. Thanks man.