first time flushing plz help


Active Member
I use the safe water liquid that u can buy from pets stores it takes out the metals and chlorine n tht should i make a bucket of water up with this in it to flush them out??? and do i feed them nutes straight away after flush or do u let the soil dry a little first ???:joint:


Well-Known Member
the whole point of flushing is to get those nutes out?? So don't add nutes for a while after flushing.

Not sure about this solution your talking about. I just flush with distilled water u buy from a shop.


Active Member
orite its a soulotion tht u use for fish tanks,,, i will just get some distilled water to bee safe then just water as normal when they need it yes? will it matter that they havve just been watered yesterday ? i wont drown them naw?


Well-Known Member
Do not flush them until the soil is dry and ready to be watered normally anyway. pour double the container volume of water through the pot and let the excess drain out. leave the plant alone until its ready for a watering and then flush again.