First time Ever Grow Hydro


Well-Known Member
Old Luck they look done to me i would definately get ready to start flushing which i personally feel is absolutely necessary with hydro and i always go atleast a day in darkness before they come down to obtain the best taste


Well-Known Member
How long do you guys flush for? Is it ok to chop plant in half and lower the lights and let the lower younger buds flower for another week? Thanks every one for all the help.


Well-Known Member
How long do you guys flush for? Is it ok to chop plant in half and lower the lights and let the lower younger buds flower for another week? Thanks every one for all the help.
3 days to a week. And yes u can do that, won't add much weight but helps them finish ripening.


Well-Known Member
I'm not worried about the weight, just a good finished product. a lot of the lower buds are still white hairs so i might give them another week to ripen up. Thanks again guys for your knowledge!! RIU rocks.


Well-Known Member
I'm not worried about the weight, just a good finished product. a lot of the lower buds are still white hairs so i might give them another week to ripen up. Thanks again guys for your knowledge!! RIU rocks.
Doing a multi harvest is a good thing, but it means you gotta do everything twice, and it means you can't use your flower room as a dry/cure space. Which is something it would be perfect for since it's already rigged for temp/humidity control/smell control.
You'll have two batches to simultaneously dry and cure if you do two harvests


Well-Known Member
Saw my first roots today on my first clone attempt. Was so excited I forgot to take pixs before I put it in the rooter. If it continues to grow, I'll take some pixs. This is so cool!


Well-Known Member
Saw my first roots today on my first clone attempt. Was so excited I forgot to take pixs before I put it in the rooter. If it continues to grow, I'll take some pixs. This is so cool!
haha I hate rooting clones... I just let all my rockwool cubes get bone dry and a few were wilting over... Hopefully some survive though I don't really want to have to do another batch of clones. Your using an aeroponics cloner? I'd love to have one of those make cloning so much easier


Well-Known Member
Nope, a few branches broke a week or two back and I just dipped them in clone powder and stuck them in a cup with water/calmag and cover the top of the cup and left it in the flower room. A couple of weeks later, I have roots coming out like in a bean. Slide the stem in reddi rooter, and drop in another cup, added a little of the water/calmag the stem was in to wet the rooter and covered it back up and that was it. Very surprised that it worked. Did kind of like the window sill clone thread. Just wanted to see if it would work and really didn't have nothing to lose. Wonder how well it would work on good seeds? I will see if the roots continue to grow. Why did you let your clones go by the way side pickle?


Well-Known Member
Nope, a few branches broke a week or two back and I just dipped them in clone powder and stuck them in a cup with water/calmag and cover the top of the cup and left it in the flower room. A couple of weeks later, I have roots coming out like in a bean. Slide the stem in reddi rooter, and drop in another cup, added a little of the water/calmag the stem was in to wet the rooter and covered it back up and that was it. Very surprised that it worked. Did kind of like the window sill clone thread. Just wanted to see if it would work and really didn't have nothing to lose. Wonder how well it would work on good seeds? I will see if the roots continue to grow. Why did you let your clones go by the way side pickle?
Cause I spend so much time caring for my real plants that I didnt feel like taking care of them I guess.. just lazyness but I think I have saved them with some more water

I did similar approach to 1 clone.
Most of my clones I am taking small cuttings and popping them in rockwool and into a separate room with CFL's and a humidity dome BUT
I tried this out just for fun.... Took about a 10 inch cutting, stuck it in a pop can filled with water. Didnt trim the leaves, didn't scuff the stem, didn't use a humidity dome, didn't mist it. Left it in the veg room with the other plants sortof out of the way, checked it a week later and the stem was getting nubby and white looking like it would push out roots in the next couple days. Crammed it into a plastic beercup full of coco/perlite(soil would probably work just as well) and watered it in. Now another week later I have a very healthy looking clone that is actually quite large, and I suspect is going to grow much faster than most clones do, given the 4 inches of surface for roots to grow from. I think I will use this technique for all my cuttings in the future it seems to be superior(aeroponics cloners are still better but meh)


Well-Known Member
I didn't know if the white nubby stem was a good thing or bad one. It kind of look like mold build up, kind of bumpy looking. So I guess I should see a few more roots some time this week. I did mist it every time I went in the room. I still haven't trimmed it, how much of the leaves do I take off? I do have one also in the window sill, but I think it is to cold. Will move it in the flower room tomorrow and I will see if that helps.


Well-Known Member
I didn't know if the white nubby stem was a good thing or bad one. It kind of look like mold build up, kind of bumpy looking. So I guess I should see a few more roots some time this week. I did mist it every time I went in the room. I still haven't trimmed it, how much of the leaves do I take off? I do have one also in the window sill, but I think it is to cold. Will move it in the flower room tomorrow and I will see if that helps.

Normally with cuttings you would trim the leaves in half and only leave 4 or 5 leaves on the cutting, otherwise it would wilt and die.

With the method I described because so much stem is coming in contact with water(4 inches or as long as a popcan) there is no need to trim the leaves and you can leave 3 or 4 sets of leaves on the cutting without it wilting. Wilting seems to almost be a non issue when you use this technique and I imagine with a little more caution you could have success with an even larger cutting, probably as many as 5 or 6 nodes. There is no need for a humidity dome, or spraying as the stem is able to supply lots of water to the leaves and the cutting can be left in relatively bright HID lighting without wilting.

The white nubby look is what the stem looks like right before roots start to grow from it. It kindof looks like the skin on your fingers if you go swimming for too long or wash dishes too long and get the pruny looking fingers.

Mold won't form underwater but if the stem starts to blacken then it is rotting.

I should mention I used a few drop of H2O2 in the water to prevent rot, I believe I also used very dilute nutrients and I always use tap water that has been sitting for at least 24 hours.


Active Member
What's up bro finally got around to starting the second journal check it out the link is in the signature. You grow is looking really good nice and healthy. Your THC Bombs should come out great.


Well-Known Member
Rocks, how you doing bro? Definitely gonna check you out. I hope the bomb turn out to really be da bomb also. Gonna be more nervous growing good seed then I am now. I feel as though I know just enough to hurt myself, If that makes sense. Any way, I wanted to ask all of you a question. If is normal for 8 week old buds to start growing new foxtails or white hairs? Does this mean this plant needs longer time even though most of the trichs are cloudy? Or is this saying that I waited to long to harvest so it is trying to regrow itself because the bud itself is dying from flowering to long? Like I said, I know just enough to hurt myself. lol


Well-Known Member
Rocks, how you doing bro? Definitely gonna check you out. I hope the bomb turn out to really be da bomb also. Gonna be more nervous growing good seed then I am now. I feel as though I know just enough to hurt myself, If that makes sense. Any way, I wanted to ask all of you a question. If is normal for 8 week old buds to start growing new foxtails or white hairs? Does this mean this plant needs longer time even though most of the trichs are cloudy? Or is this saying that I waited to long to harvest so it is trying to regrow itself because the bud itself is dying from flowering to long? Like I said, I know just enough to hurt myself. lol
can happen esp if they are stunted during the flowering period. Kinda have to make a judgement call as to when to cut as all of the hairs probably won't turn. 8-9 weeks is pretty average, sativas might need longer. (taller, lengthier plants, usually more airy buds)


Well-Known Member
Hey Oldluck, some strains will do that as well, sativas usually. I'm surprized to see it happening with your plant

There are also products that are supposed to stimulate that sortof growth. for example shooting powder by H&G is supposed to jump start a second flowering phase. It's good news, it means your going to get a bigger harvest. Just keep em growing
The only downside is the older parts will be getting even older, so you don't want to wait too long, or youll get a really heavy stoned high from the weed


Well-Known Member
It must be puzzling though, now with that making it even harder to determine when to harvest
I would consider it a bonus, keep your ppm high with lots of P and K a let this new growth boost the flowers you already have

Keep an eye on the overall trich colour though and be ready to flush soon, but for now it looks like you have some more flowers to grow


ive been waiting on this bag seed since ur first post. ready to look at the final product! u got a little while tho; hang in there, ur on the home stretch!


Well-Known Member
It weighed in at 137g but the stalk and stems are pretty big so I hope to get a half oz dry. Still trying to figure out the best temp/hum for drying. Germed up 4 thc bomb seed, a veneno poison, and a querkle (hope its male). My short plant clone is rooting well, my big plant clone hasn't rooted yet. Here are pixs from that cut. I guess it will take time to learn how to trim correctly also.

