First time doing acid.


Well-Known Member
Okay here's the deal. A friend of mine has a hookup for acid and we're planning on dropping this weekend. I've never took any psychedelics before. Does anyone have any advice to give on doses or what to expect?


Well-Known Member
shit do it with some one who has before, its all about being responsible, shit if people were responsible nothing would be outlawed, like people who drink and drive, is it that hard to pass out in your car then drive home in the morning? thats what i do, if you drink and drive you derserve to die


Active Member
For you're first time you probably don't want to take more than one hit. I have taken multiple hits at a time and things can get terrifying if you are in an uncomfortable environment. My first time doing acid was at a public festival thing, and I do not recommend you do that because I was scared out of my mind at the fireworks and loud noises, and that was only on one hit. I recommend you do one with your friend in your house or something so that nothing gets too scary. But really don't be scared out of doing acid because of what I just told you, it's a very fun drug and it rarely ever affects your trips in a bad way.


Well-Known Member
Man take more than one will never trip as hard as you do the first time. thats a promise. ive had chicks of mine who never do any drugs decide to try acid and they pop 2 girl started with 2 1/2 hits...jsut make sure you are in a calm enviornment with someone who has experience..if either of you have experience than you both will freak the fuck out bro.
get some glowsticks and some techno and have whatever you want to do btu drive....walk through some woods or some shit if you can that is very relaxing but can freak someone out who doesnt liek the
i would suggest at oyur hosue if you can with some music and friends and just chill talk and glowstick it up and talk about the world and look at the visuals if oyu get should on your first time though...but only take 2 that should be perfect bro


Well-Known Member
It'll be fun, just make sure you are in a good mood and don't have anything hanging over your head. I get really giddy and laugh a lot, it's a blast!