First Time Dilemma


Okay, so I am a little late into the outdoor season and am wondering what route to take. I can either completely forget about growing outdoors and I'd purchase a grow box from and just do indoor growing, or I could buy a grow box from them and in 2-3 weeks they'd be in the vegetative growing stage and then I could plant the just beginning to flower plants outside in Fox Farm Ocean Forest Soil and I know how to grow it from then, I just don't know if the plants would yield more or if it's simply too late into the season. To give you more perspective where I am at right now it's still around
100 degrees Fahrenheit and will be at least in the 90's through August and the first frost doesn't happen till October 20. So, which plan should I go for? Just give it up and grow indoors, or indoor grow them for 2-3 weeks to get them past the vegetative growth stage and then plant them outside? Thank you so much!


Well-Known Member
You have about 30-50 days till flowering starts. Just put it outside. You will have small plants but it's free. And in the mean time set up a room for winter indoors. Take your time and do it right.


Well-Known Member
as warlock say .. take your time .. do it right ..

and as for the last of the season ... how about a Auto strain ?

your late .. in your place .. I would problebly get a 5 seed Femi auto pack ... and just do them so I could have some smoke untill my room could begin to produce in the wither ..

Ooh yea .. and also plan for next year .. have small seedling ready when the outdoor season starts ..
take it a step future and spread compost and lime wher you entent to plant your outdoor plants next year .. do it in the fall ..


Well I live in a VERY windy place when it's winter time and if I spread compost and lime for next year I'm afraid it would blow away during the winter. Do you think?