First time, CO2 worrys


Active Member
Hi all, this is my first time posting and coincidentally my first attempt at Indoors.

Ive got a self contained grow room, width is 3.8 feet, length = 3.8 feet, height = 6 feet. I have intake/exhaust ventilation setup, and the setup i have is hydroponics, basically two gullys with my clones in cups + compact clay. At the moment there almost 1 week into the budding cycle (about 6 days now) and all seems to be well. I'm trying out C02 at the moment and all i can afford right now are these C02 candles. So im just wondering whens the best time to burn the CO2 candle? At the 12 off period? Or when the lights are on? The guy in the shop said its best to light them and leave the candles to burn for roughly an hour with all the fans/ventilation turned off, and then turn the ventilation on again afterwards at the 12 off period. Is this advice sound? I'm not trying to discredit the guy im just mearly looking for some extra advice/tips, so any feedback about when exactly i should light the candles much appreciated!

Oh sorry forgot to mention, using a 600W HPS light at this moment, after rooting my clones i let them veg for about a week under the same 600W HPS lamp as well, should i double the Wattage soon now that its in the budding cycle? Say to either 1000W or 1200W?


Active Member
Oh ok, so should i keep that candle lit for an hour in the size of the room i have? And should i turn off the ventilation while im burning the candle?


Well-Known Member
a man whos job is to advise you on safe grow gear sold you a "co2 candle"?!?


the fire dept will be able to tell by sifting through the ashes of your home that you were growing pot. then you wont have to worry about not having anywhere to live, the county will be providing you one until your court date.

seriously, its your first grow. you dont need co2 by a long shot. co2 should be one of the last things you attempt after you get eveything else down. there is adequete co2 in the air we breathe, keeping fresh air moving through your room will be more than sufficient.

i repeat-


good luck.


Active Member
fuck sake im not stupid mate, not like im going to light the cunt and let my house burn down, fuck i burn it an hour each light period, and i keep a good watch on it of course, just need the facts not a safety lesson