First run


New Member
Hey guys, I did my first two runs with my new system and just had a couple questions. I bought a 2lb extractor from Best Value Vacs. With a vac oven. I ran two runs the other night and have had them in the oven ever for about 3 days now. The oil is staying very dark and sappy. Its not hardening up at all. Did i miss a step? Ive had the oven at 115 degrees at full vac, purging it often the first day and letting it sit for the next 2 days.

I was hoping it would harden up into a shatter.

I just blasted the material, poured it on some parchment paper and tossed it in the vac oven.

Here are a couple shots of what i was left with.

Any info would be great.




New Member
Could I have burned the oil while it was still in the extractor by applying to much heat to it while recovering the tane? I run a small hot plate under the extractor to help speed things up.

gk skunky

Well-Known Member
Well other than numerous other variables you didn't remove the fats/lipids it sounds. Gotta do that for some shatter. As far as I know you have got to add some EtOH to your mix.