First outdoor grow, please help


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, I've grown about 4 plants total now (all indoor) and i just gave this random seed I found a shot. This is my FIRST outdoor grow, but unfortunatly, it has been a rough time. First off, it is growing extreamly slow, and at first looked really really good. But as days go by, the bottom leaves begin to turn yellow and barely curl down. And other days It looks healthy as can be. I have a few pics if anyone can help, please do. I am just using some regular old soil and egg shells/ bannana peels. (i did this my last 3 grows and it worked amazingly)

** Another quik question, has anyone ever heard of using omega-3 fish oils on there grow? A friend of myne said it would work better than sex on the beach**

thanks guys happy growing:sleep:+ Reply to Thread



Well-Known Member
okay thank you, i just swapped out the soil for some organic good stuff. I also know that miricale grow is terrible for my plant but it was the only thing i had around the house. i gave it barely any so hopefully in the next few days i will see some improvement. I will keep you posted man thanks for helping. If anyone else has any solotions please feel free to fill me in, thanks


Well-Known Member
I've heard that the PH in miricale grow is really bad, i may be wrong though, just word of mouth. not a fact


Undercover Mod
Word of warning do not over due it. The leaves won't repair themselves, so any dead leaves should be removed because they will only stress the plant.


Well-Known Member
so all the dead leafs you see in the picture i should pull off? or cut them off or what? they still seem half alive, thanks bro ur a great help


Well-Known Member
i'd say 4 weeks. i honestly think i planted a reggi seed :( but it's still fun to watch grow ;)


Undercover Mod
Man, not to put you down but it looks real small for being 4 weeks. You growing it indoors and moving it outdoors?

6666.jpg Thats one I had, was around 3-4 weeks but turned out to be male killed it.


Well-Known Member
dang i really feel like crap now :( think it will last or just grow even slooooooower untill it dies? honestly bro it was just a joke plant at first, we planted it in my friends wash and i decided to transplant it, and when i did i totally messed up and i CANT believe it even lived, but as days go by i swear it is looking better and better except for the leaves turnin brown on the tips. I had to transplant it because like i said in your thread about ur room mate and ur apartment gettin broken into, i figured my ex best friend whos addicted to opiates would try and take it for money. So i took it before he could. it was my first transplant and it was in a dry ass wash with shitty hard rocky dirt, i honestly cant belive its still alive; i guess im giving tha little plant too much faith. should i just end it now? and btw do i cut those dying leafs off or what?


Undercover Mod
Yeah just cut them at the base of the stem. but just the badly damaged ones. Yo should move it outside when u get a chance, it may turn out to be a female.


Well-Known Member
It is an outdoor plant, I just took it inside so i could get some goo dpics of it. and okay i will cut those leaves off thanks bro. But why put it straight in the ground?? i think it would be way better off in that pot, considering im in Arizona and the ground is like litterally rock hard ahah. best of luck to you wiht ur roomate btw.


Undercover Mod
Well heres what you do, dig a hole dump some potting soil in it and put ur plant in it and keep it watered.


Undercover Mod
The size of the pot i also a limiting factor, the ratio is aound 1 foot of height for every gallon of soil.


Well-Known Member
yeah but why? would it even make a differance? once it buds ima need to bring it inside anyways coorect?


Undercover Mod
The more space it has the bigger it gets the more buds it has. If your gonna put it outside just dig a hole big enough to dump a bag or two of potting soil in it like miracle grow and the roots will go beyond the hole. Theres no need to dig a hole that big.

I'm not sure why you would want to bring it inside? It will bud outside just fine, but it won't start to bud till the end of summer/ fall.
my plants are about 4 weeks old and are a bit smaller than the ones in your pics.. i had them inside for 3 weeks and they grew fast and healthy then when i put em outdoors they started to look like they were dying n shit n havent progressed any since... i have alot of yellow/white dead leaves also think i should chop em off?
View attachment 935599View attachment 935597View attachment 935598<this plant is about 3 weeks old(1week indoor, 2 weeks outdoor)