First official grow! Check it out


Well-Known Member
So this is my first full grow (got a couple failed attempts under my belt) and im feeling good about this one. I ordered some feminized barneys farm blue cheese (attitude seed co is bada**. got my order within 6 days of purchase here in socal!!!) I germinated two seeds using the paper towel method and one cracked and grew a 2cm root overnight. I planted this one and put the other back to continue germing (hopefully it cracks soon!)

I ditched the grow cab i made due to temp issues and constructed a DIY grow tent for the time being till i can afford a nicer one (before i begin flowering for light concerns). The pic of the red box with white fan attached is my exhaust setup. I put the DIY exhaust on the bottom to see if this may help temps since the heat stays trapped under the reflector for the most part due to the small area im using. I have an active intake on top (high speed comp fan) and a passive one beside that (comp fan alone coudnt keep up with the exhaust.. that things hauls a**!!! :o).

I also have a comp fan hanging on the reflector blowing down the length of the reflector and theoretically cooling the bulb (let me know if this is a waiste of a fan, i just had an extra lying around)

I didnt expect to be dealing with such high temps since im running 1x 150watt cfl pictured below. The bulb doesn't even burn you when you hold your hand on it but it heats that space up quite quickly...

Couple questions:

When someone suggests a temp range for my plants, is that the temp at the top of the plant under the light where i taped the probe or is that the grow room temp? As you can see in the hygrothermometer pic the room temp is much lower than the temps where the probe is taped to the grow bag.

Also, what peak high temps can i get away with midday in there without doing any damage to my girls? The temps shown are at night unfortunately...:cry:

Check it out and let me know if you have any suggestions!!

Ill be updating the journal every 2-3 days so stay tuned and cross your fingers for me. Thanks guys and gals.



Well-Known Member
So my first lady popped the soil last night and is not 1/2" and looking great. Other seed still no action. Germinating another one on the side just in case so i can keep these girl around the same age. Sorry the pics a little fuzzy. Macro can be a b**ch!!!

