First low budget closet grow///how am i doing???


Well-Known Member
Hey, i started my lil mini grow in the closet in my bedroom. I have not spent 1 penny except for the soil and fertz... let me know how im doing

start date: 6th of april (germination april 1st)
age:2 weeks
veg:2 weeks
flower:days 0
pots:2, 5 gallon buckets(still aquiring) and 2, 3 gallon buckets
fertz:15-30-15 miracle grow ultra bloom(for flowering)
plants:4 (started from bagseed)
lights:4 75 watt grow lights
soil:all purpose potting soil with bone meal (indoor and out)
watering: once every 2-5 days depending on water absorbtion

Week 2 - Transplanted #1,2 into permanent homes (3Gal buckets) and 3 and 4 to bigger containers untill i get some 5 gal buckets, 5 sets growing big

plant-1 - 9 inches tall, looking very good, water level good, 4th node
plant-2 - 5 1/4 inch 3 big roots ripped out during transplant and i hope it doesent stunt its growth too much... 3 nodes and 5 sets of leaves growing in
plant-3 - 7 1/4 inch looking good darker green a bit, 3 nodes, 5 set of leaves
plant-4 - stem snapped above 3rd node so i topped it and 4 1/4 inch tall very small

week 3 - aka 21 days !!!! i got new bags of soil because i heard that soil only has nutz in it for 3 weeks and i dont want to put fertz on tell flowering so i figured if i transplanted them all one more time(2 that already have been and the 2 others into 5gal buckets) they would have nutz untill 3 weeks from now

plant-1 - still growing vary tall 18 inches(doubled size in a week!!!) 7 sets now growing out and bigger 6 nodes now getting nice dark green all nodes producing secondary branching(pics to come)
plant-2 - doing well considering root snaps second 5 sets of leaves no 7's yet, 4th node 9 inches tall and leafves look kinda bubbly???
plant-3 - 4th node growing 7 sets growing out big 13 inches tall and secondary branching growing from node sites
plant-4 - since topping the plant is 8 1/4 inch 3 node sites growing and 1 out of the top

hoping the plants will all be female and hope they will show sex soon because there gonna get too tall i have to flower this week

3 weeks 2 days - i am going to start flowering tonight and add 15-30-15 ultra bloom to the water mix and water once a week or every other watering depending on which comes first, and turn the lights off at 9:00pm and turn them back on again at 9:00am.

plant-1 - really tall 21 inches, 7 nodes all with rapidly developing secondary branching, 2 full 7 sets and next leaves growing cant tell what they are yet but hopefully soon, and its a very nice dark green with light green in the middle of the leaves.
plant-2 - 11.5 inches tall getting bigger, doing ok after root snap, 5th nodes and still only 5sets in this plant, leaves still bubbly hoping fertz will pick it up
plant-3 - 16 inches looking good nice dark green with light green leaf middles, 5th node, 7 sets getting big next leafs growing
plant-4 - 10 inches 3 nodes with 1 mabey 2 coming out of the top where i topped it only 5 set leafs and its still alive no signs of dying

TODAY-may 2nd - 3 weeks 5 days - day 4 of flowering

plant-1 - 25 inches today and next leaves one is a 7 set the next has 8 on it :S top lighter green with leaves under it really dark green it has 8 nodes all developing well
plant-2 - doing well 13 inches tall still troopin it after root snap looking good but leaves are a bit bubbly looking but better, 6th node next leaves have one is 5 leaves one is 6 :S but plant is a nice dark green
plant-3 - nice gettin tall 19 inches plant is a nice dark green and 2nd leaves from top folding at ends(drooping) 6th nodes
plant-4 - 12inches tall 4 nodes (3 at leafs and 1 at the top) nodes rapidly forming

all water level still high and will probly water on friday i will add more pics soon and sideviews of the plants as well as node sites and secondary branching.... please let me know if you have any input and please tell me when im doing right/wrong as it is my first time and any input is appreciated


Well-Known Member
rep+ cuz im n a good mood and its friday :0) time to get fuccccckkkkkeeeedddd uuuuppppppp............:joint:


Well-Known Member
thanks man thats wicked yeah im rollin up a fatty too!!!! but do u think im doing good or not the plants are very tall within 3 and a half weeks im gonna try and get better lights what ones do you think i should get ???? and does anyone have any idea what type of plant these are (any ballpark guess would be good) and now when i rub the stem i can smell a faint smell of the dank :D:D im getting excited hoping they will show sex and be females soon :) anyone any comments leave em and let me know how im doing


Well-Known Member
nice pass that fatty over here..........go with hps for shure i dont know how ur budget looks like but if u are in one check out htgsupply's 95 bux 400w hps kit 4 plants under a 400w would be a very nice grow....looks like a indica strain u gots how bout u return the favor and reppn me eh???:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
yeah i sent u some reputation back ... i am on a budget stillllll haha.... how much do you think a 400w hps will cost and do i need a ballast for it ????? and are these lights better for flowering or veg??? cuz im into flowering 5 days now so let me know thanks man


Well-Known Member
go with hps for shure
Agreed a 400W (or 600 if you have the space and don't need to worry about heat) would keep those babies a bunch shorter and more compact.
As it is they look very healthy to me.
I have to say it looks to me more like a Sativa strain (prob a hybrid between the two) but Indica leaves are usually a bit fatter.
18" in two weeks does look as if they are stretching for the light.
Hope that helps ya...


Well-Known Member
yeah i wass hoping for a mainly indica strain but the plants are confusing me cuz the leaves are long but fat as well and getting really dark green
and can anyone tell me a price on a 400 watt hps and does it need a ballast?


Well-Known Member
thanks man that site was gold the hps light in there was very nice im gonna start saving to get one but it might take me 2 or 3 weeks will my plants be ok in the 75 watt lights untill then?


Well-Known Member
75w cfls or regular light bulbs?

saw u had 4-75 watters try and get at least 4 more so then u can pair up two 75 watters per plant for now and then when u do get ur hps just put the cfl's later at the bottom of the plants so that ur plants get well lited.....keep in mind to halt streching keep them lights (cfl's_) as close to the plants as possible without cookin them....this will make ur plants stay short and bushy n compact....good luck


Well-Known Member
im using incandecnt lights thats all i have for now im gonnaget some cfl's untill i have enough for the hps thanks for the help


Well-Known Member
no problem but yes do get rid of those lights since all they will do strech ur plants............:joint:


Well-Known Member
yeah i was wondering why they were sooo tall there only in week 3 and the tallest is over 2 feet!!!! but since there tall now and i get good lights will that make them better because they were tall first??? let me know


Well-Known Member
yes even with cfl's would be a better choice then the ones that ur currently using..............:joint:


Well-Known Member
yeah i know im gonan try and pick some up but its gonna take me a bit to get the funds just bought a pound haha im gonna sell some today so i should be ok by the end of the week but im gonna keep postin and thanking everyone for there comments and more pics to come in 2 days


Well-Known Member
Incandescent lights: Incandescents are the most popular type of lights in the world. They may come advertised as incandescent, tungsten, quartz, halogen, or simply standard. The important thing about incandescents is this: they suck.
There are some incandescents which are sold as 'grow lights.' They usually have a blue coating and usually come in 60W and 120W sizes. While they may seem like a good choice to new growers, they are next to useless; they produce some light at a usable spectrum, but only have about a 5% efficiency and generate more heat than usable light. Most of us have these in our homes right now. Don't use them for growing, instead opt for a Compact Fluorescent as a cheaper but more efficient alternative.
Quoted from:

And here are some of the reasons your plants may be so stretchy:
When plants stretch due to competition for light, this is known as the "shade avoidance response phenotype" (SARP). The light reflected off of other plants has less red in it because the leaves of the other plants absorbed it already. This is how the plant knows how close it is to its neighbors. When there is less red, the plant stretches so it can compete better for the light. HPS lights are high in red spectrum, so plants grown under them stretch less.
Quoted from:


Well-Known Member
thanks for all the help alto .... i wish i woulda started with cfl's i could only imagine how nice and bushy they would be .... there still nice looking dont get me wrong but they could be so much bushier and shorter if i started with cfl's but then again im trying for the hps lights they seem to be better