first journal


Well-Known Member
My first grow journal never put 1 up before so thought id give it a go. Ill be doing 20 bubbleberry from cuttings . Using 4 x 600 watt hps in 2 diffrent tents 1.2 wide and 2.4m long I think. Im using gold label nutes soil a and b , gold label mg , gold label pk , house and garden top shooter and also some bloombastic , mollases and superthrive to ad aswell . Already started with problems I just took down a crop of 10 of multiple strains wich I had a real bad spider mite problem and my cuttings I got last week are being kept in a diffrent part of thr house and I noticed last night now my cuttings have also got a small infestation must have got there by touch or clothing :( anyways im cleaning them up starting tonight using plant vitality ill post a pic of the bottle anyways I have to spray the plants with it for 2-3 days and hopefully should be gone . Im also going to run water over the cuttings to wash any away . Fingers crossed it doesnt shock my plants to much but anyhow plenty time for recocery. Im also moving them to a diffrent area after I attempt to get rid of these mites.(note , cuttings arent in my tents and the tents are brand new and boxed so once im rid ill be putting them into there main pots under main lights) ohh another problem I had with the last grow some of my plants hermied on me and I didnt realise so ended up crap yield and full of seed . Damn! Lol anyways off for now will keep regular updates any input - comments welcome :) ohh yeah pretty new to growing also so any help appreciated . GAZ


Well-Known Member
Good luck! Its fun documenting the process. I finally did it with my most recent grow.

For the Mites - I have had good success with Mighty Wash. Last grow i left for 3wks on a work trip and my wife was caring for them, but being about a foot shorter, couldn't see the mites on top. I took a gamble and sprayed lightly a couple weeks before harvest, killed em all and didn't effect the buds. It was a Tangerine Kush plant and still tasted AMAZING!

Good luck!


Well-Known Member
I have used Monterey with spinosad and it worked great. Reduced my insect problems drastically. Used it at the very beginning of preflower and now almost 4 weeks later still no insect problems. By the way what's the active ingredient in Plant Vitality Plus?


Well-Known Member
Thats wash 1 complete will repeat in 2 days . Washed everywhere possible also used the shower to rinse the cuttings lightly . The stuff I used on the mites isnt meant to be harmfull on the plants but I gave them a rinse anyways just to be safe carnt see any mites at the moment fingers crossed problem solved was wanting to get them in the new tents asap but looks like ill have to wait untill I know there gtg


Well-Known Member
Well checked on the bubble berry cuttings this morning carnt see any spider mites at all and the plants took fine to the spray and the shower they had , was going to repeat 2moro but scince there in good shape ill give them a blast tonight as well fingers crossed problem solved , they all had a bit super thrive yesterday in case they got a bit shock but all is 110% :) hopefully get them in there new home by Monday , will upload pics soon


Well-Known Member
20130906_143815.jpg quick lil snap shot not been on in a while these are my big ones got 6 in my smaller tent wich have got a problem wich I have posted in plant problems where 60 percent of my leafs are deformed and seem to have got stunted growth as there hardly growing this all started after I got rid of my bugs