First indoor grow


Well-Known Member
I'm thinking I'll try 12/12 from seed because I've been looking around & I like what I see hear & from others which have tried it. The plants look awesome, keep posting pics because there really going to start fattening up here in the last weeks. Good job


Well-Known Member
Thats some mighty fine looking plants you got going there. Looks like some awesome smoke green thumb3. The only way to truly tell their done is to get a scope & check the trich's. That way you'll know your plant is at it's full potential. That one on the far left looks pretty damn close though. The others look like they may have weeks to go, it's hard to tell. Otherwise, everything is lookin amazing :)


Well-Known Member
Yeah, a week or 2 should be good. This is where your patience is tested the most. I got 2 plants now into the 8th week of flower & they still have another month to go. I love/hate this part the most; It's fun to watch them swell but at the same time you just want them to hurry the fuck up so you can get your smoke on.