First Indoor Grow 250 SunMaster unknown strains


Hey all ...

well this is my first grow, thought i share it here and get some tips from the pro's around.. ive read here and there and so far that’s the setup ..

- 250w Sunmaster dual spectrum sealed in cooltube that blows the heat out of the room,

- i also placed a hose from ac that blows 25c fresh cool air into the room and placed 2 pc fans for ventilation (120 & 80) ..

- i don’t have any reflectors because its hard to buy stuff here, and the only hydroshp that carry this (yea, only 1 store... ) are always on the watch...

- No Nutes so far, 18-6 lights

the seeds are from previous smokes around ... hopefully females, the plants are not looking that good at this stage but i bealive its from moving around so much.. they did started with direct sunlight for a week but only for a few hours a day, looks to me like Sulfur issue on the little (?)

any tips & advice are more then welcome...

- i did wanted to ask something,
besides that new Sunmaster dual spectrum bulb, i have another 2 bulbs by Phillips : 1 Son-T HPS 250w and 1 Metal Halide Son-T Pia 250w that already were use 1 time for growing ... which should i use? Dualspectrum sunmaster or Phillips Son-T ?

will follow with pic's ..

Thanks in advance, be safe all smoke well ...
