First Harvest Completed! How much do you think? (pics)


Day 2.5 of drying and the smell of the buds is really starting to become pungent. I bought the Cheese strain and whoever found this strain wasn't lying. It is a really unique...cheesy smell i guess. How long does it take you guys to dry your buds on average? 5 or 6 days right?

Night Claptoman

Well-Known Member
Mine takes from 3 days to 2 weeks. depending on bud size, air circulation, temp., humidity etc.
Usually a week is fine drying from the top of my growroom while stats are ideal for flowering.

I'd guess 38 grams.
Your plant doesn't look burnt that badly.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, my smallest buds usually dry within four days, five to seven days for the larger ones. Times may vary with your environment, so don't go by any set time schedule.


Yeha its day 3.5 and I just check and they are certainly not dry. Even the small buds. I am guessing it'll take atleast another 2 or 3 days...


Well-Known Member
yea some times my buds will be dry enough in like 4 days cause you dont want them bone dry when u go to cure them u want some moisture inside them u will know when there dry enough i hang mine for like 4 or 5 days depending on size then i put them in paper bags then just open them up twice a day shake them around and that will dry them up a lil more without completly drying them out then into jars they go.. looks good for ur first grow im gonna say you got atleat 1 and a half prob closer to 2 happy smoking :leaf:widow


Well-Known Member
yea like that guy said, just shake em up and break off all those trics that youve worked so hard for. no, dont do that....


Its about to be the end of day 6 of drying and they are def still not done. Tried to smoke a very small nug and it was hard to light and the stems bend instead of snap still. I plan to give them maybe 1 to 2 day more of drying, then it will be time to cure.

They have def lost some weight due to all this drying. Not as dense as I had thought/hoped they would be nor are they as crystally as I expected. This is ok because this is my first grow and I did a TON of things wron gthat I can fix my next girl (who is currently at day 3 in flower!)

I'll keep you guys posted


It done drying!

So after seven days of drying I am proclaiming the buds dry. The buds have now begun the curing process and have been put into a big glass container with a rubber seal. The container is being kept in my dresser droor and will stay there (except for bi-daily moisture ventings) for 3-5 weeks. I want a good long cure for the best possible buds.

As for the weight, we were way off. I cut out all of the major stems and weighed the remaining buds and it came out to a very VERY satisfying total of 70.3 grams! I had to double check myself but thats what it came out to. I plan to lose 10-15 grams to the curing process which will prob bring me to around 60 grams! Considering this is from only one plant and was flowered using just a 150 watt hps I'd say thats pretty good. I will let you know how it is on potency.

all I gotta say is...WHOOP WHOOP



Well-Known Member
Nice grow... i just bought a 150 watt hps.... It will be in the mail monday.

I curently have 5 babys...there 1 week old today....and there under 7 20 watt cfls....there mostly 2400ks....but o well... they look ok to me:)
How much do you think i will get off all them...if there females...?
I was shooting for a QP....cuzz 5 plants....and then all the lights... and then the 150 watt hps...BUT WHAT DO YOU GUYS THINK?