First Grown! 400W Mixed Strains


Well-Known Member
Oh yes. Things looked great this morning, they were taller, and the new leaves had come up more, so things are looking beautifuly, can't wait to see what happens by the start of next week should be a great site. Thats what i'm hopeing anyways. Stay tuned everyone. Dr0sKi


Active Member
Your going down in basketball this afternoon!!! No more hook shots nuu!!! Did you check on our babies this morning?!? I hope there healthy and getting bigger!! We need to start taking measurements and documenting other physical changes as well, just to compare with future grows of different and same strains!! Scientist in the labaratory man!!! Ready to smoke our priZed posession super silver haze!!!

Organic for Life ~~¥~~ SuPeRlungs & Co.


Well-Known Member
Your going down in basketball this afternoon!!! No more hook shots nuu!!! Did you check on our babies this morning?!? I hope there healthy and getting bigger!! We need to start taking measurements and documenting other physical changes as well, just to compare with future grows of different and same strains!! Scientist in the labaratory man!!! Ready to smoke our priZed posession super silver haze!!!

Organic for Life ~~¥~~ SuPeRlungs & Co.

Haha, you will go down in B-Ball everytime, and yes we do need to start documenting the hight changes and everything have to get on that tonight. Things were looking good this morning, but going back to check on them in a lil while, probably gonna take some pics so be looking for them later. Peace.


Well-Known Member
great to see your grow is progressing along. been following your grow since we started around the same time. got any recent pics?

keep it up.


Well-Known Member
Yeah i will be taking pics tomorrow, i forgot my camera at the house tonight, anywho i will update ya'll tomorrow for sure so stay tuned.


Well-Known Member
I got the pics, as soon as i get home i will load them up for everyone to see. I really need to get a window unit ac out there to control the humidity, cause it is really fucking humid.


Active Member
Plants are looking great, I'm
Ready to inspect them with my eyes later.. And toke on it with these SuPeRlungs ahhhh niiiiiii!!! Were on week 5!! Can't believe were this far!!!

SuPeRlungs & Co. ~¥~


Active Member
I have been feeding my plant MG for tomatoes 18-18-21 at full dose every monday, no problems yet, thank I have feed her with that MG only 10 times :)


Well-Known Member
Well they looked great today, and the new leaves on them really perked up and the stems on them are really healthy and strong so everything is good. I will up the next dose to probably almost a full dose. I think they will be able to handle it pretty well.


Active Member
I wish I had a type of steroid to give bud plants, it would be called. " Arnold schwarzen-dank" LMFAO :)


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Well-Known Member
I raised the light about 6 inches to let the plants come up a bit, but more development and taller today. Things are going great, except the fact that it is hot as hell outside. Anyways stay tuned things are looking up.