First grow


Well-Known Member
First and 2nd pic are of the younger ones the 2nd pic is the one i topped and seemed to respond well. The last one is my early plant and that stalk is just getting thick as hell, and is going to be going into flower in about 4 days or so. Oh and the pics were takin right after watering so it looks wet its supposed to lol :)


Active Member
They look great !
I like that heat cloner!
I would wait for another week or two , the bigger it gets in vegg the bigger your yeald will be
still looks happy , I take it your getting clones off it ?


Well-Known Member
yeah takin clones hoping its female i will be taking clones from all three hoping one is female lol. damn bagseed :P I just fimmed the other young one last night so yeah probably give it a few more weeks and flower them all together if the other two catch up with the beast haha


Active Member
If you vegg it out for another 3 weeks you could possibly be able to tell if it's a mother plant
then grow it , take a clone an make that your + mother plant , and do the same w the other plants
ide say for 3 plants ......2 will be female , but you all ways take that chance ,!

So yeah vegg it untill you see some white hairs down on the firs set of branches
then pray she's your new mother plant . Thumbs


Well-Known Member
K guys got four more bagseed from a buddy i guess from some killer grass, germinating now will post pics of those also in 5 or so days


Active Member
Nice , I got some bag seeds and a chocolope seed
probly 7 good seeds
im going to look for a good clone dome !!
Mill be posting as well
oh I got my 215 card ........... Feels good to be legal lol


Well-Known Member
bump sorry need to get this to front page so i can try to upload pics again on my phone should be up in 5 minutes if it works this time :S


Well-Known Member
sorry for the second pic its hard to move my lights and take a pic with a touchscreen my samsung camera went out that i was using before :(


Well-Known Member
first plant was topped second plant was fimmed third plant was left alone. 3rd plant seems to be groing way to much lately have to keep adjusting lights every single day! i know probably a male but we will see im hoping not!


Active Member
If you top that big plant , it will have 2 fatty colas !! Mabe stall the strech also .
They look awsome , I found a cool thread , sub cools old organics !!
they talk about topping the plant to have 8 or 16 tops +lst
Subcool has some very good threads !! Check a few out !!


Well-Known Member
first plant was topped second plant was fimmed.
Yeah!... Plump those ladies up. Big bushy bitches are my favorite.

How tall is the 3rd plant? It looks a bit lanky.
And did you prune quite sometime before the picture?
Looks like your FIM is growing back apically.

There looking good though Chameleon.