First Grow!


Active Member
This is my fist grow and I am growing in an aerogarden deluxe ultra. I am growing in a stealth cabinet type thing. I took my dresser and took out all the drawers and made it into a grow box. As you can see I have aluminum foil lined against the walls on the inside. I also have a fan circulating air in there. As well as ventilation for air to escape through the back. Only one plant right now to get me started off and get a handle on growing. I plan to keep upping the amount of plants I grow as I get better. Anyway this lovely lady has been growing for a week and 3 days. Here is a picture of what it looks like so far. I will post pictures about every 2 days or so to keep everyone updated.

day 10 of second plant taken at 12.png


I'm working on my first grow in my dresser as well! Can you post some pics of your whole setup? I'd like to see in order to compare yours vs mine to make improvements that I may be overlooking, since you're in a similar grow setup. I'm using 6500k CFL 26watt lights right now, switching to 150hps when I'm ready to flower. Just trying to engineer a better vent system.


Well-Known Member
This is my fist grow and I am growing in an aerogarden deluxe ultra. I am growing in a stealth cabinet type thing. I took my dresser and took out all the drawers and made it into a grow box. As you can see I have aluminum foil lined against the walls on the inside. I also have a fan circulating air in there. As well as ventilation for air to escape through the back. Only one plant right now to get me started off and get a handle on growing. I plan to keep upping the amount of plants I grow as I get better. Anyway this lovely lady has been growing for a week and 3 days. Here is a picture of what it looks like so far. I will post pictures about every 2 days or so to keep everyone updated.

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nice work. i would get rid of that aluminum foil. it can ignite. u can buy space blankets for like 99 cent. those work much better. good luck on ur 1st grow.. its fun figuring out what and when ur plants need u.


Active Member
Yeah. I will do that in just a bit. Yours might actually be better than mine. I ghetto rigged mine in a way haha. Post pics of yours too. I am curious to see what other people can do with a dresser to grow in!


Active Member
Alright, so here are a few pics of the setup. I couldn't get any pics of the back because the dresser is located in the corner of my room. The side view is blocked off by two amps and It is more than a pain in the ass to even try and attempt to move the dresser even two inches. But the bottom part of the back is where the ventilation is. To jerid123 I would probably be making improvements off of what you have if you posted pics haha not the other way around. Although. I was thinking of some ideas for better air circulation today, such as cutting a hole in the back panel and placing a large computer fan or a small fan to circulate air in. I also am working on a way to get money to purchase a couple stronger lights with a blue light spectrum. And thanks hammer6913.

front of grow box.jpgfront of grow box 2.jpginside of grow box 1.jpgside view.jpg


New Member
nice work. i would get rid of that aluminum foil. it can ignite. u can buy space blankets for like 99 cent. those work much better. good luck on ur 1st grow.. its fun figuring out what and when ur plants need u.
Seconded, loose the tin foil. Also, you will need some way to light proof for flowering. Perhaps you can line the outer edges in velcro and get an equal sized piece of wood also lined in velcro. Just a suggestion. Good Luck!


Active Member
I plan on eventually losing the aluminum foil and replacing it with space blankets which is most likely better, and I plan on light proofing it for sure when it comes time for flowering. I am nowhere near flowering yet though. So I still have time to make adjustments. Thanks.


Active Member
I don't mean to double post, but I just finished germinating another seed. I am going to plant within the next half hour or so. I will keep updated pics of both plants.


Active Member
I don't mean to bump, but I have a question about my sprout. It is 3 days old, and it looked fine last night. I woke up this morning and one of the leaves is dropped down, way down. This is what it looks like sprout, as of today.JPG I was wondering what this is? Help would be much appreciated.


Active Member
Nice healthy plants for the age I'm just starting my 1st grow aswell using a budbox tent and switching to 400w hps goodluck with the grow


Yeah I agree that tin foil is useless. Mylar is pretty cheap and very effective also. The plant looks nice and healthy though!


Active Member
It is aluminum foil, not tin foil. Believe it or not, it does work. Look at my plants. They are growing just fine with it. Also, aluminum foil won't burn under light....lmao...aluminum foil won't even light on fire if a flame is near it. It's meant to with stand extreme heat. My lights don't even emit enough heat to where I can feel the heat at the base of the plants. I can barely feel it when I put my hand on top of the plant. Which is also good so I don't burn them. Anyway, think what you want about the aluminum foil. It is working just fine for me. Until I have the money for something else I will continue to use this. I do plan on upgrading my hydro system in the future, but there will not be any aluminum foil in that. You guys can check out whether or not the aluminum foil was effective enough come harvest time. Peace and thanks for the compliments on the plants. I appreciate it.