First grow wot do u think ????


up 004.JPGhi guys this is me first grow ! only got 2 palnts one big 2 1/2 weeks into flower , one small 5 days into flower lol both had alot ov stress !!! :o( .. no lights just the sun and a box at night for the dark let me no wot u think ??? advice, tips ,etc... would be great . thnx xxxup 001.jpgupdates 015.jpg



Well-Known Member
Lookin mighty fine Amy. No light huh? impressive. How long did they veg before you started to flower them? have they been indoors the whole time or do they start outside? Any nutes? The sun is by far the best light you can give your girls but awful hard to control. Do you have any holes in the "night" box so air can circulate? Remember that when they really start flowering the humidity in there will go way up and they will start to stink. Not sure if any of that if of concern for you. All i can say is keep an eye on them and have fun.


Hey and thnks x ... ok this gets confusing but try and stay with me lol ....... yes they've been inside they where both in veg for about month ... stuck big one in flower for a week discovered spidermites :o( so took her out repotd and left in veg for another 2 weeks ... she's now bin in flower for 2 1/2 weeks and is lookin at its best so far ... Small one was left in veg for a month while sorting spidermites and other probs on the big one she's bin in flower for about 4 days now and is doing fantastic i think ??? ;) .. ok so as for the night box no ive not got any holes because some1 told me if nelight gets them while there in night mode they'll wake up and stop growing so wouldnt a hole mean light ???? ...... Ive only used a cap full ov babybio in a 2ltr bottle of water every 2 to 4 days depending on ov course the sun !!! well i think thats it ! thnks for the reply neother info or suggestions would really be helpfull as im not yet as skilld and green fingered as some ov u fine growers !!1


just checkd n thought id show u guys as im so proud lol .... iii 009.jpg this the big one she's got about 24 bug plots i think thts wot ud call em ! x