First grow WoS Auto Northern Lights x Big Bud


Today I received my seeds from Attitude in the UK. Surprisingly fast considering i ordered on saturday... Anyway it came with a whack of freebies. I got 3 of the auto northern lights x big bud and I'm germing one right now. My setup is and approximately 1x2 box, it is small I know. I am only using it until it needs to be moved. I have 3x 23 W 6500k cfls and 1x 13 W 2700k CFL until it starts to bloom, then I'm swapping for all 2700k. Here is a picture of the grow box.
I also have a small desk fan to circulate the air. I will be updating regularly because I have no life and this will be the only thing I think about..

All advice is appreciated.


Just planted the seed. I dipped the tip in some root stimulator, not knowing if it would help or not (will it?) I also turned the lights on and closed the box so it will heat up a little in there, since I read that seeds like it warm and moist. I only put a little water on the dirt I put over the seed, should I saturate the entire pot? Sorry for questions but I'm a complete noob using only knowledge I have learned off the internet.