First Grow w/ LED (Lots of Pics)


Active Member
Yeah, maybe that was it then. I know we didn't intentionally hurt it, but I also remember at first we were spraying them more directly with water until we noticed some burn spots, and I read that the droplets can focus the light.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, maybe that was it then. I know we didn't intentionally hurt it, but I also remember at first we were spraying them more directly with water until we noticed some burn spots, and I read that the droplets can focus the light.
yeah it's an easy mistake...... i meen..... water, burn.... almost an oxymoron.


Active Member
So we put 6 lowryder 2's in the ground a few days ago, and they've now been above ground for a couple days.

Got them in new and improved soil... Jungle Growth Professional Mix... apparently peat moss based, with about 25% perlite. Everything seems to be going well so far.

Maybe nroth can be convinced to leave his lair sometime with camera in hand and give some updates to whatever fans may or may not exist.


Active Member
Oh yeah, I've been meaning to say...

MiracleGro potting soil = :spew:

At least by itself anyway. That stuff packs itself down and makes watering more difficult than it has to be. I don't have the experience to know what those time release fertilizer balls will do, though. That one will just be a mystery for now.


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah, I've been meaning to say...

MiracleGro potting soil = :spew:

At least by itself anyway. That stuff packs itself down and makes watering more difficult than it has to be. I don't have the experience to know what those time release fertilizer balls will do, though. That one will just be a mystery for now.
i hate miraclegrow...... fox farms is where it's at... with some extra perlite.


Active Member
Some pictures from a few days ago, been super busy with school.... You can see our indica looking one in the third/fifth pic, and in the fourth/seventh picture, ours that keeps growing lankier and lankier despite fimming. And the light is literally a couple inches away....



Active Member
So they range from about 33-37 days old....when should we see preflowers so we can tell their sex. We are starting some lowryders, so we planned to veg the older ones during the lowryder process. So I'd like to weed the males out to make room for more lowryders.


Well-Known Member
you can cut a clone from each plant and put them into flower to sex. or just throw the whole plant in flower untill sex shows and then back into veg, this isn't recomended cuz they have to switch beck to veg, but if your gunna veg em for the 9 weeks the lr2 is going it won't hurt.


Active Member
Might have to try the clone method....we have just started the lr2, and I don't want to stunt their growth in the first couple weeks to wait for the first ones to show sex by using 12/12. I think we might have to wait a week or two to clone though. Or do you think that we could take clones off already?


Active Member
Finally back with an update.....I had a midterm, then website due, then another exam in the span of a week so I've been bogged down. The good news is that everything seems to be going great considering we have one of the original bag seeds showing female, plus we have 6 lowryder #2's going too.

The lowryder's were planted after germinating two weeks ago today. So we are hoping they will show sex soon.

Just a little about the different plants....Since we used various bag seeds for the first ones we started we have various phenotypes showing. One plant, looks very very much heavy indica, while the definite female and another have a good hybrid type look to them, then we have 4 others that look very sativa. This seems correct seeing as I've read most mexican weed are sativas. Anyways, lots of pictures....

I tried to keep the pictures for each plant close to each other and Lowryder's on the bottom row, btw click on the pictures for much larger view.



Well-Known Member
so what do you think about that middle leaf missin??? hahahaha pretty crazy huh? there's gunna be a few like that and it's nothin wrong with em... your even gunna have a few that'll push out a set of leaves with 11-13 leaves on it before the fifth node, then go back to 7...... that is of course if those are the ones i think they are.


Active Member
very interesting!! i myself am growing with LEDs...i didnt see what kind you were using...i am using 3 procyon 100ws. growing jack herer, bubbleberry, JH x BB, and a few bag seeds. i wish you all the luck in the world. glad to see more people going out and doing the LEDs;)... i have 10 girls growing, and my entire room pulls 500w, lights, ozone, everything. what are the Nm for your blues/reds? sorry to babble, lol...but your the first person i have seen growing like i am.


Active Member
so what do you think about that middle leaf missin??? hahahaha pretty crazy huh? there's gunna be a few like that and it's nothin wrong with em... your even gunna have a few that'll push out a set of leaves with 11-13 leaves on it before the fifth node, then go back to 7...... that is of course if those are the ones i think they are.
I thought you might notice that, I thought it was kinda weird that 2 out of 6 had the middle leaf missing. I figured it was a lowryder thing.


Active Member
very interesting!! i myself am growing with LEDs...i didnt see what kind you were using...i am using 3 procyon 100ws. growing jack herer, bubbleberry, JH x BB, and a few bag seeds. i wish you all the luck in the world. glad to see more people going out and doing the LEDs;)... i have 10 girls growing, and my entire room pulls 500w, lights, ozone, everything. what are the Nm for your blues/reds? sorry to babble, lol...but your the first person i have seen growing like i am.
Yeah nice of you to stop by, you are doing the led thing real big. My led's are 630nm and 470nm, but I'll probably add some more in there of another wavelength of blue and red led's once I get a chance, and source a more powerful power supply.

Also, on an unrelated note, after checking on the grow this morning, I found that our tallest plant(#2 on the pot in the pictures) is a girl! I was guessing it would be male considering its fast lankey growth. So yay, two girls, 0 confirmed boys so far.


Well-Known Member
i'm also growing using led's
one plant under led's combined with t5.
one just led
one under t5
and one using only sfl
so far the fastest growing plant is the one under t5+led.

That would follow logically. The one under the T5 + LED is receiving the most light. In order to validate your experiment you'll have to find some way to measure lumen output and equalize them so that you have a base to work from. Without lumen output being even in all tests then you have no way to compare the effects of the wavelength output on the plants among the tests.

Good on you for attempting an experiment. I'd be very interested in the results of such a project if you can find a way to deterministically quantify your results.


Well-Known Member
Hi Guys,

I have a t-5 / LEDs setup also and one of my seedlings is missing an entire grow shoot. I was wondering if this had something to do with the leds?

I bought a spectrometer on ebay for like $30 it measures lums, well candelight but it doesn't break down the spectrum. When I am six inches from my lights I hit around 500 candle thats the same as lums I think.

The way I tried to balance the light is with the wattage. Just my guess. I went with Three 14w LED panels 75% red and 2 24w T-5's.

That worked pretty good at six inches but then I added Four 14w cfls and they took off. Everything looked great except that dam Leaf and shoot is missing. I guess this will just mean early staggard growth.

Now I hear 13 point leafs... Whats with the T5 Led combo?

here is a of my mutant, And the rest.



Well-Known Member
That pic was taken yesterday, This was taken 24 hours after adding the cfls and I moved my problem child to the lower right.
CFLs are 6500k 14w

Man they rock with LEDs.

