First Grow, Using CFL's


Active Member
haha very shortly. im going to restart my computer and buy some ventilation shit right now. so i am will be back here in 30 mins with updates haha.


Active Member
Are you in veg or flowering and how old is your plant?
I am currently in Veg 4 1/2 weeks. although i was stunted with a weeks worth of Halogen bulb growth/stetching! i will post some pictures in 5 minutes so you can see i transplanted a week ago into 10% perlite and 50/50 peatmoss and topsoil.


Active Member
tomorro i am installing a new exhaust fan and intake fan close to the ground. i just nee the proper sized 90 Degree piping. i have 1 computer fan, and am going to buy a bathroom exhaust i think. either that or another computer fan. we will see what works


Well-Known Member
holy fuck tk joe Lol. thats a beastly ass looking box, how much that run you? and where you get it all?


Active Member
HAHAHA the wood is 1/4 inch hardwood with a white side to it, for a 8'x4'x1/4" slab it was 30 bucks or so including 2 1" nail boards for support! the top was a nice pice of 1/4 that i had int he garage that was never going to get used. ive spent about 150$ total so far!


Well-Known Member
damn, yeah i seen the setup with the lights hanging down like DacDac's, looks great, with the white inside andstuff, it almost looks like it was once a like desk type thing. with the door how it is lol.great price overall for it.and the plants looking fantastic :o


Active Member
thanks man, i was really worried yesterday after overwatering, but its bouncing back nicely. i really need to figure out this alaska fish fertilizer now!! thats my project for the night. i really want to add some kinda fertilizer and see what kinda growth i get. im thinking i may wait until next week for Flower, as i am still doing some LST! that would take me to 5-6 weeks of Veg


Well-Known Member
lol yeah, it'll probably be a good growth i figure, but yeah that overwatering didnt harm it at all it looks, looks like it helped it if anything lol.


Active Member
can someone tell me if i am off here i was doing some lst on the sprouts that are fighting for top and trying to grow a couple more before Flowering. but saw whats in the pictures i am about to post, does that look like pistols to you? or is it just where the stock splits? iam not flowring yet, just on 18-6 and 2 -1 bulbs for 6700k - 2700k.



Well-Known Member
hmm debatable tkjoe, it sorta looks like it then it doesnt... tricky one lol. but id say it isnt pistols to me, but thats just me :o


Active Member
I dont think it is either because im still in veg. but thre is a few all over the plant, so i was all confused


Well-Known Member
yeah, i dont think it is to me, doesnt seem like it on others of pics of male plants, but still possible i suppose, anything is lol. but alright im headed to bed. laters.


Active Member
hey bro ur plants are lookin real nice man im starting a bit of lst stuff also tmr... and re potting them also... my plants are starting to have a yellowish outline im not starting to like the looks of this if u had this problem before or no n e thing about it bro please jus let me no.. keep up the good work .. p.s im thinking about monday or tuesday to start the flowering not sure yet how about u?


Active Member
hey bro ur plants are lookin real nice man im starting a bit of lst stuff also tmr... and re potting them also... my plants are starting to have a yellowish outline im not starting to like the looks of this if u had this problem before or no n e thing about it bro please jus let me no.. keep up the good work .. p.s im thinking about monday or tuesday to start the flowering not sure yet how about u?
if you are starting your LST tomorro, id give yourself 5 -7 days to start flowering so your plant can actually sprout some other sprouts. Please make sure your bury those stems! the sstem burried will turn into roots. i did it with mine too. right up to those first 2 little leaves. im gong to good yellowing leaves right now

welsh wizz

Well-Known Member
Yes feed her nutes let the soil dry first they do droop after watering thats normal they droop when lights out too.
Do you water till you get a small amount of run off and do you let your soil dry to about 30% before next watering?
Also whats your humidity level?


Active Member
i water until i feel tere is enough water. usualy when water comes out the bottom alittle. Humidity is between 50-70% depends on the day! I try and wait a decent amount inbetween watering.