First grow ! UK


Active Member
Hi All,

Im new to all this and this is my first ever grow!... i purchased a ten pack of Honey B from barneys seeds feminised and got some mixed seeds free!.. i planted 5 and have 5 growing now!.. i first planted them in large contactiners and fed them nutes on the advise of the grow shop.. but after reading this site.. i soon realised to move them to small containrers and feed them no nutes.. got a ph tester to buy as im using tap watert and it can me high i read... but i will sort!.. they are coming on well now! pics to follow soon!.. has anyone else grown honey b? apparently it flowers for 95 days!.. and can have upto 650grm per square meter!.. and a thc content of 15% +

Honey B


Active Member
devastated.. got spider mite.. got a non chemical repellant. spidermitecontrol.. and it didnt help art all.. now theyre in a bad way:(